Speedway (Gottlieb, 1931) VP9

VP9 Gottlieb Flipperless Recreation Speedway (Gottlieb, 1931) VP9 v1.1 2020-01-28

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Jun 9, 2003
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Anything before 1939 (pre war), Firepower II, Agents 777
Speedway, 1931 by Gottlieb for Visual Pinball 9!

Added high score and fixed a few things. Plays just as good as it did in VP6! Animation still works great.



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This is one of a handful of games we both made versions of, Will. Don't know if you knew that.
This is one of a handful of games we both made versions of, Will. Don't know if you knew that.

Yes John, but this one is the version that stood on it's own legs. Both Mark Weyna and me had one hell of a time carrying this outside to take photos of it :) This was a nice machine to watch the cars race - what technology these folks pulled off in 1931 and they did it with such ease and simplicity. Wish more games still used this type of technology - some of the things the pin machines pulled off back then can not be pulled off today, but flippers were a nice touch later in the years. Amazing how far these pioneers came isn't it?
Watch Speedway on a custom built cab! Here it is!

Speedway FS B2S.MOV - YouTube

WITH MY PERMISSION (through VPForums), Rosve has taken my version of Speedway, added a backglass and the result is a really cool thing to see!

Thanks Rosve! Glad to see you and your son are having fun!

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