Street Fighter WIP

All graphics, sounds and lights complete.

Scripting 70% complete, rules, lights, sounds, targets, slings, kickers, bumpers, bonus and scoring done. Only multiball, bonus collect, tilt and player logic to do. :)

The table elements seem a bit disembodied from the graphics, but both look fine. The right lane though, does that not bug you at all? It don't even look like a lane when the graphics break like that. That would have been better I think if it had been along side the circle or even a ramp up around the side there. It's looks like top stuff from us, but opinions can not hurt can they? The apron seems weak too, but I know how hard it can be to come up with things. The plunger has established methods for improvment and why is there any space above the table? If there is no elements above the glass, what is pushing the table down in that space?

Is that Vega? the girl prominent? Is this one of a series?
The space above the table is as small as I can make it, I've messed with all kinds of field of view and inclination settings, seems to be a VP thing.

The right lane works fine for me, the ball flows smooth as silk and as for the graphics, that's about the limit of my skills, I'm no graphics whizz all this was all done with irfanview, a simple graphics viewer/editor and low VP walls with various textures applied see prior posts.

Thanks for the comments, opinions are fine, though at the end of the day, the final build is as I choose, though I do consider all comments I may or may not include such changes depending on my skill and personal tastes.

I hope to complete this table soon and hope you will enjoy it, feel free to air your opinions and feedback.

Thanks for the commentry.
Thanks for the comments, opinions are fine, though at the end of the day, the final build is as I choose, though I do consider all comments I may or may not include such changes depending on my skill and personal tastes. that's funny. sounds official, condencending. I know and understand that.

As for enjoying it. I enjoy knowing someone that is doing that, on any level, let alone with the detail of this. My opinions are in line with a higher level of detail and though design, opinion, and out of line here. I'm sorry. I have anger about that vote. Just the fact that there was a vote said it would have been just as well to drop it there, but the game got kindled again, did'nit? I'll keep my opinion of you out of you're work threads for now on, but you can't expect me to just drop this.

I'll enjoy the table. You going to lock it? If so can I include a ball?
The table will not be locked, I never lock my tables.

Though I am curious about that ball, what did you have in mind?
You should take something for your wind buddy :)
elton said:
You should take something for your wind buddy :)

I did, though these beers just don't seem to be helping at all. :p

Nah, just going through the archives and thought hey that's how I did it, still think these low walls to decorate the playfield are a going concern especially for those without anything much by the way of graphics skills. ;)

Oh and just tring to muster up enough inspiration to maybe make another.

So how's the golf Elton, I've won the last 2 competitions here, shot 85 in a stroke round and then followed it up with 37 points in a stableford competition. Really not that great, but good enough on both days. :)
Golf - don't mention the golf

Sadly I've not played for a while and currently my back is so debilitating I could not swing a club. Even a putter would be a strain. LOL

Haven't had back trouble for a while and then some idiot driver decides to shunt me while I was stationary in a traffic jam and consequently it's buggered my back.

I thought it was getting a little better but having just mown the lawns I am now absolutely wrecked and in need of some pain killers.

Not a happy camper
RE: Golf - don

Bad back, annoying to be sure, rest and/or massage preferably administered by a beautiful young lass is the only fix. I've got one dodgy disc that plays up every now and then dammit, aggravated it a couple of years ago, lifting a lawn mower and even now I can always feel it. So take it easy Elton and I hope it will mend, not much fun at all.
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