Gottlieb Solved The Amazing Spider-Man (Gottlieb, 1980) problems


Inserted Coin
Dec 26, 2014
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Favorite Pinball Machine
The Amazing Spiderman
I've got a 1980 spiderman with several little problems that are eluding me right now. My biggest concern is the hole kickers will score but won't eject the ball. The solenoids work when I run the diagnostic solenoid check and I can ground the transistor lug and manually fire them. I also have several targets that don't score, and the contacts are working. So far I,ve made the necessary ground mods and the battery has been replaced on the cpu, all the connections have been cleaned and verified. I would like to repair the existing boards but I'm not oposed to replacing them with updated hardware after a sufficient effort though. Thanks, Jack
Here is a copy/paste of what I found

Figured it out after some reading and with the help of the Chris Hibler at Pinside and want to close this thread out.

It depends on the version of the CPU you have. Spiderman originally came with a CPU board P/N DET. PB03-D102-001. This would require modification ( to be able to use EPROMs in lieu of the masked PROMs that originally came installed on the board. My CPU board was a 2nd generation board, P/N DET. PB03-D107-001. This allows for the use of EPROMs w/o the need for modification. All I needed to do was download the ROMs for PROM 1 and PROM 2 and combine them into a single file using the following command from a command line:

copy /b...
if all the switches register correctly in the switch test mode the 2 CPU program proms might be at fault. there is a mod to use 1 program prom but will need board trace cutting and jumpers. if there is a switch matrix row or column problem the 2 switch matrix hex inverters should be changed. since the hole switches do score points but dont kick out the ball , but they do fire when grounding the tabs and do fire in diag. test , my guess would be the CPU program proms.
Thanks, I overlooked the obvious. The main board was replaced with a system 80 2nd generation board from the haunted house game. The 669/2 chip is installed and is probably the root cause. I'm now searching for prom options since the spiderman game I think only used the first generation board with 2 proms. I don't have the original 653/1 and 653/2 proms so I've emailed a few sources looking for a single prom programmed for the game.
im not sure if the system 80 gen 2 cpu is backwards compatible with the gen 1 cpu, i hope it is. good luck on your single program prom quest.
Well I thought I had read where the single prom conversion was done and linked it to a web site with no reply so far. What other options would I have at this point? It looks like I have a haunted house prom and mother board to trade with at this point. If only the internet was as good at finding proms as it was with other stuff that is spelled like it. LOL
Here is a copy/paste of what I found

Figured it out after some reading and with the help of the Chris Hibler at Pinside and want to close this thread out.

It depends on the version of the CPU you have. Spiderman originally came with a CPU board P/N DET. PB03-D102-001. This would require modification ( to be able to use EPROMs in lieu of the masked PROMs that originally came installed on the board. My CPU board was a 2nd generation board, P/N DET. PB03-D107-001. This allows for the use of EPROMs w/o the need for modification. All I needed to do was download the ROMs for PROM 1 and PROM 2 and combine them into a single file using the following command from a command line:

copy /b prom1.bin + prom2.bin combined.cpu

I then burned the combined.cpu ROM onto a 2716 and installed it in PROM 1 socket on the CPU board.

Hope this helps someone in the future.

- Mike

this was over at

Thanks Pinballdaveh for all your help, Jack
So I have another question concerning the sound board on this machine. When I first turn on the machine I have good solid sound but after a few minutes it begins to get muttled. I suspect the capacitor by the transformer that I should have already changed but somehow overlooked. Is there another obvious area I should check along with the connections. I suspect a voltage drop but don't want to damage any boards trying to diagnose it while running.
along with changing the cap near the transformer , you might change the caps on the sound board.
Thanks Pinballdaveh, already put a reman sound board in. I'm now waiting for the cap and spent a little more to replace the power board just to cover my bases and not burn anything else.
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