The new banner looks awesome

Isaac Sauvage

Site Supporters
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Jurassic Park
Kudos to whoever made it! :D

Not just because of the jolly theme, but because evidently the banner now scales with screen resolution to completely fill the width of the page. ^^ Just a simple touch like that helps the site look better IMO, don't you agree?

Also, thanks so much to XenonPH for continuing to upload all the fantastic table art & resources to the media section. I.e., not just as an excellent acknowledgement and "thank you" to the late, beloved PSDB, but also as a fantastic addition to PN's media databases, free for all to pin-heads everywhere, thanks to @JonPurpleHaze keeping the site going for over twenty years, now! oO

You guys are just killing it, and special thanks to Charles for not just painstakingly capturing the entire PSDB before it went down, but taking the extra-effort to upload it *again* to share the wealth around. That's like TWO Hercules strolling by on the same day, lol.

Btw, one of the backglasses you uploaded "Lexy Lightspeed" has me both curious and a bit confused. So like-- is it a GhostMachine original, or is it from a small pin-producing company in Austin, TX? Part of the reason I'm asking is because 8.6 / 10 is a pretty kickass user-feedback score!

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That's why I posted on the chatbox how great it looks. Whomever made it and put it up I have to say; it was a breath of fresh air I never expected. It really looks classy and has that cool charm this site has always had since it's conception thanks to JPH.

To all you guys who keep this site up, a big thank you from me. You guys always find some way to keep this site going and making it more and more fun to use. It is MUCH APPRECIATED!

Yes, it does look great.

Its one of those things that stands out nicely as a regular thing.

I know VPU changes their banner for difference holidays or for "big" new table releases, etc.
We should have one for every season of the year. It fills the width of my screen also.
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yes for the Christmas banner I am publishing the “Christmas” table in beta. This will give a boost for novelty. my way of saying thank you to all fp contributors.
Same here... 🎃

I like your monitor setup. You must have a wireless keyboard so you can read and navigate the internet from your recliner.

It would be cool if you could rotate the monitor 90 degrees then you could play my versions of tables for "rotated display" included in all my postings.
(omg, and bonus pts for NOT wanting to hear Stevoz 'touching his cylinder,' high as a kite and all)

It's... it's just too CONFUSING for our next-gen 'archeologists'', right...?

HA-hahaha! XD
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