Bally WIP SS Recreation FP Theatre of Magic (Help build the theatre!)

Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
what are you using for baking? what plugin, AIO, PBR?
i HAD about 30gig of plugins, Im not sure I have them anymore
Oh no plugins yet. While I have everything modeled in blender, I've not yet figured out the rest of it. That is on the to-do list.
Oh no plugins yet. While I have everything modeled in blender, I've not yet figured out the rest of it. That is on the to-do list.
Go to those links, that's some cloud storage i stach stuff at... Im sure you will find something you can use.
Happy New Year to you all!!!


Hallo Mark.....I couldn't be there so I'm not informed about the progress in TOM.
I noticed a couple of messages in my inbox, I have to see if there are any from you.
I see that here in this thread too, it's a bit still, I hope you're well.....

I noticed on the first page,that you still haven't integrated the magic box(trunk),since I have not been present recently, I cannot know,if you have had. some difficulties.
Let me know!
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Welcome back @Paolo !

Things are progressing. I have the trunk integrated! It spins and supports both magnet and trunk hole for lock. I don't have the scripting done to have it play any modes or such, but at least the trunk is something I'm close to checking off.

I've done some slight physics tweaks to the table to be able to play and hit all the shots without requiring any hidden pinbelt/ball accelerators.

I've spent a lot of time on the DMD extracting fonts from the ROM. I still need to go from the bmp outputs using Gfx2DmdF to actually put together the fonts (with proper character sizing, etc).

For DMD animations I spent too much time attempting to fine tune each frame I was capturing from WPC Emu Debug view. Many times when capturing frames you get these frames which show the transition between one frame and the other (kinda like how classic animations are drawn). These "in-between" frames are not in the ROM but are just an aspect of how the IRL pin renders. But after I spent a lot of time on that it really didn't look as clean visually without these in-between frames once I tried it in FP's DMD. So now I'm scraping my idea and going back to capturing full DMD animations with in-between frames using pinmame RAW files from VP's TOM to segment different DMD animations together. What I am going to do is to remove duplicate frames which are in the RAW files. Instead I'll manually encode DMD timings (ex: hold this frame for 130ms then next frame, etc). So I've also spent a lot of time figuring out the DMD script system I want to use. I've spent a lot of time working with LtJazz's DMD code and figuring out what I need to keep, change, or add to use for TOM.

I'll update the first post to provide progress updates!
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Many Thanks Mark!! Tom proceeds, and I'm very happy about that, and the DMD part is the most painful to do, especially if you're extracting them yourself too, from the "rom".take your time.
Gad to hear that the trunk i made works, and i can't wait to see it in action on the table,
Mark, feel free to ask me anything that I can help, and also in the table test if you want.

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