VP8 EM Original Table tiltjlp's Table Updates

Electro-Mechanical Machines


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Jun 8, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Releases by an Involuntarily Absent tiltjlp, posted by JPH.

TMOF has been updated with enhanced versions of my latest three tables, Reactions Bagatelle and the dual releases of my Bronco Buster flippered and Flipperless editions. Reactions was a solo effort, with help from a number of friends, while Bronco Buster was co-authored by Scott Bermel. The two Flipperless tables are available on the VP Tables page, while the script update for the flippered version of Bronco Buster is available for DL as a solo file when you DL Flipperless Bronco Buster. Simply copy & paste the new script in place of the current Flippered Bronco Buster script. Flippered Bronco Buster is available at Parkers Pinball, but you'll need to make the script switch yourself.

All three tables have had their nudging force increased, and the Flipperless version of Bronco Buster now has additional nudging added through the Shift keys. No graphical or playfield changes have been made to any of the tables. All three tables also have my home address, in case anyone would like to write to me. If so I do ask that you include a self addressed stamped envelope for a reply, if you'd like a response.

Also, unrelated to pinball, I've resumed writing poetry, which has been a lifetime passion of mine. My latest efforts, Ancient Echoes and Exploration, which are introspective and spiritual, are available for DL as newpoetry.zip, from the Articles page of TMOF, for anyone who might be interested in seeing what life is like for me now that VP and the Internet are in the past. You'll also find a zip file containing all my pinball writing, as well as a collection of some of my other poetry, and also all of my published nostalgia stories, from the last years of my career as a freelance writer.

Yes, I miss my daily visits to all four forums, and to TMOF and the Magic Chat Room. The VP scene was an important part of my life for two years, and if it were possible, that would not have changed. But life is about changes, so I'm thankful that I still have my other writing to fill the void. I plan to write a little for TMOF, and I'll send JPH messages now and again for him to post for me at the Magic Pinball Forum, so while I might be out of sight, I'll try not to be out of mind. I have been honest in revealing more than I really wanted to about my health problems to assure you that I'm not at death's door, so please try not to mourn me, since I still have a lot of living left to do.

John, tiltjlp

Table Updates can be found here:

Poetry can be found here:http://www.saharasales.com/flipperless/articles.html
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