FP Visual Pinball vs. Future Pinball

Future Pinball


Pinball Hall of Famer
Oct 4, 2018
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Favorite Pinball Machine
gi joe
I tried Future Pinball and it's clear that Visual Pinball is far much better, but just because Future Pinball is not as good as Visual Pinball doesn't mean its useless. I did find that Future Pinball you can import into Blender 2.79 with the addon and turn your ramps into .obj and import into Visual Pinball. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the Future Pinball games made for Visual Pinball with upgrades and stuff. I remember I played a Total Recall game on Future Pinball that would be good to see on Visual Pinball and some of the games can be ported over to Visual Pinball. Now perhaps in the future a better pinball game editor simulator will come along and all the games will need to be ported over. Hey I know some like Future Pinball and this is like the fight between what's better Xbox or Playstation, I get it, so I did not write this to discourage Future Pinball games. Some of you might say that it doesn't matter my opinion but I work with software and just know that the best software gives you best results.

Visual Pinball has much better physics even with Bam also Visual Pinball just looks better plays better and has much better platforms and support and updates.
So check this out its Ai Animation maybe it can be used for game score videos I just thought it was cool. Let me know your opinion on pinball and where it's going, some were saying that VPE unity pinball was the future but I don't see too much happening with it because its bloat ware and yes I have 15 years experience working at a company that works with software.

Personally, I prefer FP, simply because it's the software I learned to use. When I use VP, I quickly feel disoriented by my lack of knowledge. Same thing with blender which I don't really know, but I like to look at what others create in VP and FP, all really for free.
The only thing that was missing on Future Pinball were the great physics, and Fizx implementation has certainly fixed that.
The only thing that I can see that is different between the two programs, is one program uses an external program, BAM to add updates, because the original FP programs code was never released to public like VP was. (The FP program is older than your 15 years of experience with software.)

If it was easy to convert a FP table into a VPX table, you would see many more of these conversions available.
How many of these conversions exist? Very few.

The so called "FP-VP war", has been over since the implementation of Fizx in my opinion.
Both programs are uniquely great, and have their own special qualities.
No need to tear one down to prop up the other.

Make Pinball, not War. :pinball:
Personally, I prefer FP, simply because it's the software I learned to use. When I use VP, I quickly feel disoriented by my lack of knowledge. Same thing with blender which I don't really know, but I like to look at what others create in VP and FP, all really for free.
:-) Yes I understand I have a relative who hates Windows 10 and still uses Windows 7. I'm not saying you should not use it if you are comfortable with Future Pinball. I tried it and feel the same way you do but I feel more comfortable with Visual Pinball.

I don't want to tear down Future Pinball xenonph but it still feels blocky or clunky. Yeah the Fizx makes the ball move better not trying to compare apples to oranges 🍎🍊 but if there was a test done like loading time and a real comparison video sort of like comparing two phones. I post a video just for example. Again I don't try to discourage using Future Pinball I even wrote above that it's useful for importing into Blender. I think it would be entertaining to see the same game played and compared on both Future and Visual as the two phones for comparison.

"I tried Future Pinball and it's clear that Visual Pinball is far much better, but just because Future Pinball is not as good as Visual Pinball doesn't mean its useless."

Wow. Classy. A post from an "expert" who clearly does NOT know the differences between both apps, and certainly doesn't know what FP-BAM is capable of... let alone the limitations VP has.

As Xenonph said.. they each have advantages and features the other does not.

Keep in mind... my perspective is more focused on new / original tables... not the same old pinmame rom based tables we keep seeing over and over again on VP.

(to be up front... FP's "editor" interface is old as poop... but the other features, updates and tools from BAM are excellent for creators!)


"I did find that Future Pinball you can import into Blender 2.79 with the addon and turn your ramps into .obj and import into Visual Pinball. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the Future Pinball games made for Visual Pinball with upgrades and stuff."

FP tables have been converted to VP for many years. Nothing new there (and I helped with some conversions, years ago, as a favor). Not many are done for good reason.

Most VP creators don't make original romless tables, as they either don't know how to do so, or aren't willing to put more work into a quality original table (which requires everything to be made from scratch).

This is why VP has so many rom based tables or reskins, because a pinmame / rom based table is a fraction of work in comparison. Take away pinmame (which is not part of VPX), and most VP tables wouldn't exist like they do today.

Luckily though this has been changing more on VP, as there have been some stellar original tables coming out on VP!

There are no significant visual "upgrades" VP offers over FP-BAM, except for refraction in plastics, and VLM (mainly a benefit for baked lighting, which VP requires since it has no realtime dynamic lighting like FP-BAM has).


"Visual Pinball has much better physics even with Bam"

This is no longer true.

VP's own physics are being bypassed by most VP creators. That is why they add nFozzy physics to newer VP tables. This is not something that just automatically works on all tables. It needs to be manually added to each table, and the table needs to be crafted to support it correctly. It will vary how good it plays depending on the person who added it.

FP-BAM now does the same with FizX physics (which uses similar techniques as nFozzy physics). We need to add FizX physics to each FP table in the same way as you need to on VP. It will vary how good it plays depending on the person who added it as well. Yes, after 19 years, the days of bad FP physics are a thing of the past.

Yes, nFozzy physics is still "the best", but the difference compared to FP FizX is not as dramatic as it was with old FP physics. (for many people)

VP's static physics is also a limitation, and restricts it in some ways. I see the many frustrations that come from talented VP creators in this area, and the workarounds they have to do to make some things work. (which are VERY easy to do on FP-BAM)

FP-BAM has dynamic physics and dynamic colliders which is much more flexible. Combine this with FP-BAM's extremely powerful mini-playfield tool, and you can do things you could only dream of in VP.


"has much better platforms and support and updates."

- despite being open sourced for many years... VP still lacks MANY features that FP has, and some modern features thanks to the many BAM updates over the years (for creators especially). Both apps have "old" editors, but at least VP's editor gets updated. BAM's in-game tools are awesome for creators
- the only external app VP makes use of that FP doesn't is pinmame (but FP "can" use it). DOF, PUP, FlexDMD, DMDext, etc can all be used with FP now... and lots of tables use DOF and PUP extensively
- multiple platform support (android, linux, mac, etc) is only as good as the person who keeps it maintained with "every" VP update and keeping it 100% compatible (something VP itself doesn't even do). Sooner or later that won't last. Also... both FP and VP use vbs... so they are both deprecated in future Windows versions anyway (and will require installing vbs support)
- yes FP being closed source is limiting for the editor, but all these years later its still ahead of VP in many other ways, especially with BAM's tools
- FP being 32 bit is not a limitation, as it is MUCH more efficient at handling textures and memory, as my recent testing has shown.


"Visual Pinball just looks better"

I certainly don't agree there if we are talking about what each app is capable of on their own (with or without Blender).

- VP is VERY limited for lighting. VP only has texture based lighting. No realtime dynamic lighting (like most games have had for 15+ years now).
- without Blender, VP tables look mostly the same as they did back in 2015 (when VPX came out)
- the better-looking VP tables "require" Blender to pre-render faked lighting to textures (using the Blender Toolkit). The reflections on table items are also created in Blender. This requires extensive Blender knowledge and very few VP creators can do it. There is a reason why it's mostly VPW tables that look this good, as most the (few) Blender experts are there. Those tables are the result of multiple people's (specific) knowledge and their combined work... not the result of one person simply making something only using VPX
- textured lighting / reflections is limiting, as it means it only looks "correct" from one static camera view. As soon as you move the camera or play in VR (and move your head constantly), then the effect is broken, and the faked lighting / reflections looks more like stickers, and can even look bad
- VP needs to use A LOT of ram to make this happen, as it needs lots of textures for faked lighting, and 100's of models to work with them
- the two major visual benefits VPX (10.8) has over FP-BAM is refracted plastics, and VLM

- FP-BAM has realtime dynamic per-pixel lighting and shaders. When used correctly (as I've shown many times now), you can get lighting results that are not possible on VP and can look amazing. No blender needed.
- this allows for every flasher, spotlight, beacon, and any other bulb / GI to have "real" lighting in 3D space that can be changed and moved at anytime while properly affecting all items around them, including normal maps. This is something that VP is simply not capable of doing, and it really shows in VR!
- FP-BAM generates shadowmap and light maps internally. No other apps are needed.
- FP-BAM automatically makes ray cast ball shadows for each light
- FP-BAM also supports FBX / OBJ "completely" (OBJ support is limited on VP, and no support for FBX on VP). This includes full support for rigged models and animation. On VP you would need to use 100's of models and lots of memory to try to mimic what FP-BAM does with one model and a small amount of ram

- just like you see on VP BTK (and VPW) tables, you can also use Blender to prebake ray traced lighting to textures on FP-BAM as well (though Niwak's excellent Blender Toolkit makes this much easier on VP)
- combine this with FP's realtime dynamic lighting, and you can get lighting not seen on VP or even on FX. You can see some of that on my (wip) MOTU CE. Nothing else looks like this table in VR (it really is stunning) and it looks the same and "correct" in any 2D static or moving camera view.


"Hey I know some like Future Pinball and this is like the fight between what's better Xbox or Playstation, I get it, so I did not write this to discourage Future Pinball games."

The only ones who "fight" between each app are extreme fanboys, or those with no open mind, or those who don't know the actual capabilities and limitations of each app.

Some of us have actually created content of quality on both platforms, and many of us still help each other out with projects on each app. BOTH apps and the content created for it have benefitted from those who share and support each other.


"Some were saying that VPE unity pinball was the future but I don't see too much happening with it because its bloat ware and yes I have 15 years experience working at a company that works with software."

Given that VP has had 24 years of development, and is still lacking many things, has backwards compatibility issues, can have issues with each new update... I think we can cut freezy some slack with VPE development time.

The initial idea to maintain VP compatibility (and with static physics) was holding VPE's potential back. Luckily freezy has decided to move away from that and go back and redo it to focus on using VPE's full potential with dynamic physics (something FP-BAM enjoys today). After a VP table is imported to VPE, it will no longer have anything left of VP... so it's better to not be restricted by it.

He's still actively developing it... but you know... people who put the work into quality apps and quality tables... well they also have a job, family, and life to live. The hobby comes after all that when time allows.


Comparing how "this table on VP" looks compared to "that table on FP" is silly, as it can come down to completely different people and skillsets (and time) involved in the creation of each (and how old an FP table can be that still works). They are not both made by the same people.

Heck, the FP version of Jaws BBE and the older FP MOTU looks WAY better than the VP versions (I helped with the VP conversions). No blender involved on each. Jaws BBE as a "game" is WAY better than any other version, as it has way more content, features, modes, much better lighting, shadows, etc.

Should I compare my new FP MOTU CE (that has both FP's lighting and Blender pre-rendered ray traced lighting) to the VP MOTU with no Blender? The VP version can't compare, let alone the massive differences in the games themselves.

Doing that would be silly. Just as it would be silly to compare a new VPX Blender Tool Kit table to an older FP table.


"Some of you might say that it doesn't matter my opinion but I work with software and just know that the best software gives you best results"

Oh the many times over the years I've heard from "experts" in this hobby, because "they work in software". (this is hobbyist software, not a commercial app). Time and time again, the experts have been proven wrong about what FP-BAM could do.

I do my talking with what I create and show... and I've done so on both apps. I moved AWAY from creating on VP because of it's limitations. FP-BAM allows me to do what I want and get the results I want. If VP could do that, I wouldn't be making stuff on FP. I'll use the best tool for the job for what "I" want to create... and today (for me) that is not VP. for others, what they want to create is fine on VP. Neither is right or wrong.

If I were to make something like MOTU CE, RetroFlair 2, Silent Hill on VPX... they wouldn't (and couldn't) be the same games. I would have to remove features and content and make lots of compromises. FP-BAM makes those tables possible... today.... and they are made by "one" person... not a team of Blender experts, or engineers. My results speak for themselves.

It's fine to have a preference... but as to what FP-BAM is capable of... I can tell you confidently, you are mistaken.

Get or use each app for what it brings to the table. There is no "only VP or "only FP". Anyone who thinks like that is missing out on some great games! The end result made from each is amazing content from talented creators that just want to create and share their work proudly... and do so respectfully... without needing to deal with fanboy wars.
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I do have some thoughts and experiences to share on this topic. I have been playing virtual pinball on my tablet, game console and desktop for a bunch of years. Pretty much Pinball Arcade and FX3. Between them, they had recreations of most of the tables that I wanted to play. I was aware of the "free" emulators that allowed user created content, and that VP and FP were two main ones in that category, but I wasn't really interested in the time investment of getting these installed and configured. I was pretty happy just to bring up the desktop app when I felt the urge to play some pinball.

At the end of last year, I did an upgrade of my home computers and had a free computer. About a decade ago I had built a Mame arcade box, and I would occasionally see what the state of pinball cabinets was to see if I wanted to build one as well. I decided this was a good time, so I spent a few months assembling all the parts and building the cabinet. I also knew that there was going to be a lot of configuration work as well, so that's when I starting playing with VP and FP for the first time. I had no experience with either of them so really wasn't biased for either of them when I installed them.

These were my initial impressions:

- They were both annoyingly complicated to get setup and working.
- VP had a larger selection of games, but all of the games that I was interested in were available on both platforms.
- The "quality" (visuals, audio and playability) of the VP tables seemed to be better on average than the FP tables.
- The quality most of the tables from both platforms were worse then the offerings from the commercial games like FX3 or Pinball Arcade, but they had limited offerings and cabinet support.
- The quality the top games from FP were noticeable better than the top games from VP and equal or better than the commercial offerings. This was a lot of factors, but biggest was the real hardware lights and normal mapped models.
- The support for 3D and head tracking in VP was pretty much non existent. Yes I know that it has recently been added, but it really only works on very few tables due to the way the engine runs. In FP even the oldest, most basic games, work out of the box for 3D and head tracking.

My plan was to install both systems and just play whatever one had the better version of the table I wanted to play. With the Baller Installer and PinUP, I really didn't need to commit to one or the other.

And then I got the 3D and head tracking working. To be honest, I thought the head tracking and 3D was going to be nice party trick. I would show it off to people when they came to see the cabinet but I probably wouldn't use it most of time. By themselves they are "neat" but as I said, pretty much party tricks. The head tracking looks better on video than it does in real life since you brain gets mixed messages. The movement is telling you it has depth but the parallax is telling you it's a flat plain. The 3D effect is kind of similar, it's ok as long as you are positioned correctly and don't move. The second you start moving it breaks the illusion. Having them both is a completely different experience. I have been playing virtual pinball for years, and while I have enjoyed it, I have never once forgotten that I was just playing a video game. With the cabinet, 3D and head tracking, I really do forget that it's not an actual pinball machine.

So the lack of 3d and head tracking support and the fact that the set of tables that I wanted to play were almost all better on FP, pretty much ended my use of VP. I have about 20 games on my cabinet now (quality over quantity) and they are all FP tables.

I am also having a lot of fun with the table editing tools on FP as well. :)

So is my situation applicable to other people? Does it matter? If you are just a player, you can play both. If you are a content creator, just pick the one that you feel comfortable with. I'm going to be using FP for my new tables, based on the capabilities of the engine. You should just do you.
And if you want to compare "I work in software" credentials, I'm pretty sure I have all of you all beat, but I've found out over the years that what you produce is more important than any credentials. You can judge me when I actually finish one of the tables I have been working on. :)
A complete game changer is VR...

...if you can enjoy it and have a VR headset and beefy PC to run it with high settings and no jaggies and ideally 90 fps.

I run VP, FP, FX in VR. They all look great. FP is easily my favorite in VR... with the updated tables, and modern lighting / shadows, etc. MOTU CE, Star Wars DSA GE, Sonic, Silent Hill. etc are at another level in VR. All FP tables are "VR" tables so they don't need any additional work or updates to make them complete enough to be usable in VR. They automatically have complete cabinet, backbox displays, a room (the default FP room is ugly though)... no updates needed. They all just work.

It really feels like you have a real table in front of you, It's not like headtracking, etc. It's fully immersed 3d and proper tracking, etc. You just play it like you would a real pinball machine. You end up playing much better as a result.

Ironically it was VR that brought me back to creating on FP years ago... long before VP even could run in VR at all. Much has changed since then, and VP in VR is great, as long as a table is updated and completely compatible with the newer updates. Some great "VR rooms" being added to VP tables.

Both options require a FAST PC to play smoothly though.
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I changed from VP to FP years ago because FP is true 3D. I haven't played VP for at least 5 years. To be honest, your opinion doesn't present a strong enough argument to convince me to switch back.
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Ok....I don't have much time, real life, work(or job), my daughter in hospital, and free time permitting I'm dedicating it to a rather particular project(trunk) for a friend.

I tried Future Pinball and it's clear that Visual Pinball is far much better,

Fp vs Vp...Mmmmmm....Clash of the Titans!!!
I have never understood the meaning of this comparison over the years (seen in other discussions "here and there") I have never asked myself "who would be better than who" Fp is Fp, Vp is Vp.
As Terry says, who I think commented in a more technical way than I could, so you can find many answers there,but since you mentioned one of my "Total Recall" tables I also have to give my opinion.
Total Recall is my creation, and I have not given anyone permission to modify it much less convert it to VP. (or in other things or ways)
Well.... I have to say, I'm glad you liked to play it, considering that you say that VP is better than FP... so you know that version 1.5(my last) has an old physics?
anywey that is on my list to update to my Optimal Physics and FizX.

It seems clear to me that, you would, or "like" or "can be ported"the Fp tables in VP, why? why.... do you think they would be better in VP? my opinion frankly I think it's your personal whim, but come on.....forgive me and don't misunderstand me, but if you say that Vp is better than Fp, I see it as a selfish comparison,from you.
Let me tell you that; you can't say "Hey I know some like Future Pinball and this is like the fight between what's better Xbox or Playstation" you simply can't compare something that is for the sake of earning millions of money, with something that "WE at Fp, and I also believe in Vp, we do it as a hobby and for free......To finish you say "I get it, so I did not write this to discourage Future Pinball games." I might think you're kidding me.:lol:
You have to consider that Fp unfortunately, and unluckily I add, has not been updated practically since the last release, I think that if Fp was constantly updated, we wouldn't be here now discussing who was the best pinball software,right now.

Xeno says that with FizX (thanks to the staff) Fp is on another level (in physics) but I add that
since when(thanks a lot Rav always) BAM was born, (Ravarcade site) Fp is on another universe, there is no need to make a comparison (
there are those who say war, ironically speaking) with Vp.
If you inform you Bam has many functions that made FP truly competitive, in some I have been the creator(In the sense that I thought of it, and Ravarcade has made), and together with another partner or made possible tables that were not unthinkable to make. I don't know if in VP it is possible (maybe it exists? I don't know) a vertical mini-playfield, in Fp there is one of my tables, and others, and other functions.
You can see some of my tables in update here----> Paolo (wild) table's...." demonstration and to bam update

Let me know your opinion on pinball and where it's going,
Well, my opinion is a little different from what you would expect, that is, each of us goes where he prefers and feels happier to realize his hobby. Not imported which software uses, what matters is having fun, as far as I'm concerned I Future Pinball forever, and my tables demonstrate this.

PS: I also play VP, I like to call it "VPX" I am a Pinball enthusiast, if I chose FP because it is more suitable for me for my game vision, for the real 3D (as say George) and for the script, which for me easier to manage.I don't need a "vs" between one is the other.

Paolo aka wild!!
At this time, the only advantage VPX has is lack of backwards compatibility. You simply can't download a table from 2005 and run it on VPX. You can in FP, and most of the complaints we still see appear to be from people doing this, because the complaints simply don't reflect modern tables. If you could do the same in vpx, FP would win hands down. Because frankly, old VP sucked in comparison to modern vpx or FP.
@TerryRed Wow you make a good comment yes I agree with most of it that the lighting and shadows is better on Future Pinball. It would be wonderful if we could take all the good parts of one program like FP or VP and put them together and 'visa versa'. Take the best parts from each program the way things change it would be amazing to see almost realistic 3d recreations like a photograph of an actual pinball. I just wrote this post to talk about the differences because I was really looking into AI and some of the pieces of pinball games I can use AI to make more accurate parts for games or even art, dmd animation. I will try to post some examples when I have time.
"they each have advantages and features the other does not."

The "quality" (visuals, audio and playability) of the VP tables seemed to be better on average than the FP tables.
And I agree with this quote too. I prefer the loading time and playability on VP I think the way the two look in comparison. Maybe it's just me that feels like Future Pinball looks a bit cartoony and even with Bam the ball behavior and bounce physics can still be improved.

And if you want to compare "I work in software" credentials, I'm pretty sure I have all of you all beat
8-) Well I worked in IT tech support for Canadian company you might beat me at coding as all I did was C++, Java, C# and HTML with very little Python. I mainly worked in IT and Software Hardware tests formats and iso. I didn't write it for bragging rights or anything just writing is all.
@Paolo Oh, no sorry I don't want to re-create it, I like the game on Future Pinball I don't want to modify or anything at all it's your game im not messing with it. I just wrote it would be cool to see a Visual Pinball version, I notice that some games are only made for FP and some for VP and some for both. Many recreations like Back to the Future, or Jaws, or Masters of Universe are on both.

Anything I make and post is free to modify so if you want to re create it for Future Pinball it is fine, post me a message I would like to see it.
I know that you are referring to your pinball game Total Recall but it actually is just the game layout that is yours. Im sure title belong to the rights holder of that movie franchise. It's a whole different subject to use the idea of a subject like Jaws, Spiderman or Total Recall in this instance.

I just wrote it was a cool game is all @Paolo i liked playing it.

Recall" tables I also have to give my opinion.
Total Recall is my creation, and I have not given anyone permission to modify it much less convert it to VP. (or in other things or ways)
I apologize if you made a comment and I did not answer I did post this topic just because I thought it would be an interesting read, maybe someone else posted the same topic elsewhere there are probably over 100,000 + active users who play either Future Pinball or Visual Pinball

"did you hear the joke about the guy that walks into a bar carrying a can of gasoline and a lit lighter and says "I'm not here to start a flame war..." :)

That's a good one, but no I am not here to troll or to push my opinions on anyone, or even start a flame war 🔥
@Zobou User Zobou made a good comment saying
Personally, I prefer FP, simply because it's the software I learned to use. When I use VP, I quickly feel disoriented by my lack of knowledge.

So they are just more comfortable using Future Pinball, I understand this completely. There is no need to get angry about every small posting.
Doe's anyone here remember a VCR ? 80's and 90's it was about the VCR then it was the DVD.
Vcr Dvd player.jpg

I still think that the VCR was much better than the DVD but that did not make the other obsolete. Why ? you ask. Ok first the run time the VCR had a longer shelf life and tapes would always play but if you got a DVD that was scratched then you were shit out of luck. VHS was easier to use and record and just a longer list of things that make the VCR better.

I think if we would use a comparison chart like the one that I post we could more clearly see, and compare the differences,
maybe compare loading time, software cpu % usage, crashing, ease of use, compatibility, file size, how many people use one program or the other and other differences. just thought it was something interesting.

comparison table chart.png
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