vpmame oh please help John Purple Haze ?


Pinball Nudger
Dec 22, 2003
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I have tried so many times to get the vpmame tables to work I am lost and frustrated. I love vp tables and have played them for 2 years but for the life of me I can not understand vpmame or get it to work on my computer. My only hope is someone will assist me through e-mail or over the phone I live in rochester NY maybe John Purple haze will call me and set me stright once and for all. My number is 585-964-8336 my email is billsareback@juno.com My computer is a Compaq laptop and it has a AMD3dnow processor running at 850 MHZ with 128 megs of ram and a 20 gig hard drive. I would like to have someone help me do a fresh install and walk me through the process. What wil i do in return I will help out anyone who has the same problem i am haveing in the future and i have and willl continue to tell people about vitual pinball and the majic of flipperless. Thanks for listening and have a great holiday. :roll:
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