We have a problem, Houston. (i.e. uploads)

Isaac Sauvage

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Jun 23, 2003
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For some reason I've recently been seeing a number of cases in which image uploads are being rejected at PN.

So far, that includes images uploaded as resource icons and images uploaded to media.

Initially I thought it was a problem with 24-bit images, but now I'm seeing problems uploading 8-bit images as well. This seems to include multiple attachment types (like PNG and JPG), and various file sizes, i.e. under a meg to five megs.

Can't figure it out so far, and it's a super-annoying issue, as the problem prevents lots of new content being uploaded.

Dog bone it. :s

If you encounter this problem yourself, could you please post here with the details of the image that got rejected?

Hopefully we can figure this out...
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Just happened when I tried to send you a piddly jpeg image to inquire about something. Just FYI.

PS: I had to login to VPF to see the post. Talk about some strange garbage. Anyway, it still wouldn't allow me to send you the jpeg image.
It's gotta be something to do with a recent site-update, no...?
I attempted to upload a 2560x1440 PNG file.
It's gotta be something to do with a recent site-update, no...?
Nic, I have no idea. I know less about this stuff than you do. I'm no coding guru and that's a fact. Hope you can find the problem. Looks like a major pain in the ass to locate though.
It looks like the problem is with more than just images. I just tried to attach txt, fpt and pdf files to a conversation. The files appeared to attach after going from 0 to 100%. ...But, when I left the screen and came back or tried to post it, the files were gone.
It looks like the problem is with more than just images. I just tried to attach txt, fpt and pdf files to a conversation. The files appeared to attach after going from 0 to 100%. ...But, when I left the screen and came back or tried to post it, the files were gone.
Thanks for your testing, George.

I've amended the thread title, reflecting greater urgency.

I'm not sure if there's anything more I can personally do at this point. This sounds like an issue Jon will need to address with our host. *gulp*
Just one question about the update, did it change permissions in anyway on the server?
Has some module been left behind in the upgrade?
Can you enable the logs so that when someone tries to upload something, the software registers the event?
And last, do you have any kind of support from the host company?
Thanks for the information guys, I doubt that the site updates caused this, the latest one happened over 3 weeks ago.

Something did change and after pouring over server logs, some errors are coming from a optional component that I have enabled at the server level, I think I could get rid of some of the problems by disabling it. Some attachments are still working and I'll be contacting the host to check and see what might have changed recently, a couple months ago they whitelisted and fixed a setting that was somehow not allowing me to change site-wide thumbnail dimensions. The culprit was the optional setting that's enabled but I'd rather keep it active.

Dates and times would be helpful for troubleshooting if this happens to you (Apr 11 14:35), I sometimes have problems recreating them.

This thread is also being mentioned a lot in the error logs, I'm trying to figure it out: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/threads/xml-arguments-and-explanations.20433/ (Tutorial - "XML" Arguments and Explanations)

I might temporarily disable that server setting in a few hours and do some more testing.
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Thanks for the information guys, I doubt that the site updates caused this, the latest one happened over 3 weeks ago.

Something did change and after pouring over server logs...
Thanks for taking care of this.

The server log is the first thing I checked, but as an admin, all I saw was endless pages of email issues. I take it only the super-admin sees the deeper stuff.

Guess we better hope you're around when stuff like this hits the fan.
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