Williams EM Williams Aztec problem: no scoring

Electro-Mechanical Machines


Pinball Player
Oct 14, 2023
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Williams Aztec

We just took over a Williams Aztec E/M pinball machine last month and encountered a problem.

During a game whatever the ball touched, no scores added to the scoring board. Everything still worked, but you just did not get any points.

We restarted, we flipped the score motor inside that normally helps, but the problem remains...

Now the restart button does not really respond anymore and some lights are on and off and not working consistently.

Help anyone? Would be greatly appreciated as this is our families favorite toy!

/ Remco
that's a 45yr old machine.
did you do some basic troubleshooting?
check the power and ground wires, voltage at the wall, voltage at and out of the powersupply.
i would test the PSupply because of its age.
Thanks a lot: I opened the back and readjusted the plugs for the scoring wheels and it worked again. And even the multiplayer modus was improved! (It used to be either 1 player or 4, now you can select 1 to 4)
Thanks a lot: I opened the back and readjusted the plugs for the scoring wheels and it worked again. And even the multiplayer modus was improved! (It used to be either 1 player or 4, now you can select 1 to 4)
that can happen with machines from age and time.
try disconnecting the power supply from the wall then spray the electrical connections you suspect with contact cleaner.
if they have male-female connectors pull them apart and spray them.
let it sit for a while then plug it back in.
old connectors and wires can get corroded and oxidized with age.
i played a lot of EMs at my local bowling alley.
what kind of condition is it in?
do the rubber bumpers, flippers and slings play good?
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did you watch the video.
in this video the old EMs had contacts like car points.
i had some old cars with points ignition in the distributor similar to the contacts in the video.
after some time the contacts get pitted and dirty.
i used a small piece of sandpaper to clean up the pitting and dirt on the contacts surface.
maybe you could do the same.
Great guys, thanks a lot! I will dive into this and hope to become an AM specialist as well!
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