Added modified JPSalas LUT Toggled with Buy-In Key (2 Key).
Added modified JPSalas LUT script combined with STAT's TEAM Change script.
Now all pic changes are saved and loaded on next table run.
Droptarget pics toggled with M Key. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Apron pic toggled with N Key. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Bumpercap pics toggled with Left Magna-Save. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
FS Backdrop pics toggled with Right Magna-Save. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Converted mp3's to ogg format, and scripted music to be played from Battlestar folder.
(Place Battlestar folder in your Music folder)
Added NVOffset script command, so not to interfere with other tables using same rom.