Bird of Prey (Original)

SS Original Table FP Bird of Prey (Original) v2.0

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Solid State Machines
Bird of Prey - Star Trek III - The Search For Spock
By - Rockinghorse

- Complete upper "YELLOW" lanes to increase bonus multiplier

- Complete centre "LIGHT BLUE" target pair to light captured ball for 5000

- Complete centre "LOOP" to light "ORANGE UPKICKER" ramp.
Hit lit "ORANGE UPKICKER" to shoot ramp and light 10X bumpers for 15 seconds.

- Complete "FOUR BANK" targets once to light "RED TRANSPORTER" kicker.
Hit "RED TRANSPORTER" kicker to score 10000, lock first ball and
transport it to back apron

- After locking "RED TRANSPORTER", complete "FOUR BANK" again to light "BLUE TRANSPORTER". Once lit, hit "BLUE TRANSPORTER" to score 10000,
lock second ball and transport it to the back apron.

- Launch the next ball to release multiball and score an additional 10000

- Complete "Bird Of Prey" "TEN BANK" to score 10000 and light outlanes
for "SPECIAL" and 5000

- Complete inlanes once to light outlanes for 1000

- Complete inlanes twice to activate extra ball
  • Bird of Prey - play.jpg
    Bird of Prey - play.jpg
    60.4 KB · Views: 150
  • Bird of Prey - cab.jpg
    Bird of Prey - cab.jpg
    47.4 KB · Views: 149
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