Black Tiger Pinball (Williams, 1981) VPX

VPX Williams SS Original Table Black Tiger Pinball (Williams, 1981) VPX v2.1

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Version 2.1
Converted images to WebP format which reduces file size.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
Table size went from over 105 MB's to just under 42 MB's, with just the 2 conversions above.
I will be adding the Music files to the sound manager the next time I update this table.
I mistakenly left the old table in the zip package. Doubling the file size of zip package.
Old table is now removed.
Version 2.0
Converted mp3's to ogg format, and scripted music to be played from BlackTiger folder.
(Place BlackTiger folder in your Music folder)
Added NVOffset script command, so not to interfere with other tables using same rom.
Added option at top of script for those who were getting script error when entering Dungeon.
You can change to DProb=1 and there is no Light to Dark transition time.
It changes instantly instead of slow transition, but gets rid of your error.
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ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?
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