Brave Team (Inder, 1985) VP8

VP8 INDER SS Recreation Brave Team (Inder, 1985) VP8 v5.0 JP 2020-01-28

No permission to download
Inder 1985,
IPD No. 4480

VPM table based on Brave Team by Inder - 1985.
Need the original roms.

Thanks to:
-Destruk for making the first table, without his script I would never have figured out the right numbers for the solenoids and lights.
- Adrián for the pictures.
- fatdog for the backdrop.
- Inkochnito for the Dip switch sub
- And of course thanks to Randy for the VP program.

Revision History:
5.0 Updated the version number and also changed some rubbers and flipper settings.

1.01 20 July 2007
- changed bumper plastic
- fixed "tripple" text
- changed slope to 8
- some minor graphics changes
- changed so a direct hit to the left orbit will make the ball go up to the upper lanes and not only to the tripple bonus.

1.0 released 12 July 2007
  • brave team jp_803.jpg
    brave team jp_803.jpg
    863.6 KB · Views: 146
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