dancing lady Gottlieb 1966
by Patrick
IPD No. 635
This table needs to be played with VP6.exe for the scoring reels to show properly.
Find VP6.exe here...
by Patrick
IPD No. 635
This table needs to be played with VP6.exe for the scoring reels to show properly.
Find VP6.exe here...

Support File - Visual Pinball 6 OLD (No Expire) and Visual Pinball 6.1 Update (Expired)
Visual Pinball 6 OLD (No Expire) v12-17-2002 and Visual Pinball 6.1 Update (Expired) v11-23-2004 Added new VP6.exe that doesn't expire. So now you can play the very old VP tables! What are you waiting for!! Here is a table that needs VP6 to run...