Finding Nemo (Original)

SS Original Table FP Finding Nemo (Original) v1.02

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Solid State Machines
by BigDraco
at 2005-12-29
Type Original


One of my favourite films - Finding Nemo was the first table that I published (quite a few bad attempts getting used to Future Pinball).

The table comes with lots of character voices as well as Bruce's immortal words "I'm having fish tonight!"

Version 1.02 hasn't been released anywhere else and includes some amendments to the table layout. The DORY and NEMO targets have been moved at a slight angle to make them easier to hit.

Download size: 9 MB


F7 = Best view

Light top rollovers and press flipper - Both Ball Savers activated. Use flippers to change lights (green)

Light top Dory (blue) or Nemo (Orange) bank of 3 targets to activate ballsaver on that side of the table.

Shoot Dory or Nemo multiplier holse to advance multiplier.

Shoot D.O.R.Y. target for DORY bonus.
Shoot N.E.M.O. target for NEMO bonus.
Shoot J.E.L.L.Y. target for JELLY bonus

5 balls per game.


Ball saver in action for 1st 10 seconds of ball life
Random jukebox (3 songs)
Ball in play indicator
Info strip below back box indicates bonuses

v1.01 Enhancements

Added light sequences during attract mode
Added a ball saver system which (mostly) works! (Thanks Uncle Willy!)
Changed the volume of music (lower) so that you can hear the other sounds more easily.
Paused the music when the ball goes down the drain.
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