Hextech (Original) VPX with B2S

VPX EM Original Table Hextech (Original) VPX with B2S 1.2.0

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Hextech 1.2.0

  • New playfield lights modified with neutral-colored lenses and colored bulbs (modification made by EpeC). Many thanks.
  • Added some dynamic lighting for the HEX drop targets and slings (also courtesy of EpeC)
  • Increased back nudge strength to 6 from 2, increased side nudge strength to 5 from 2
  • Partially applied JP's physics settings for VP 10.7 (materials, some settings
  • Adjusted a post in the captive ball to again keep the captive ball from falling out. I saw this happening with the advent of VP 10.7.2
  • Updated VP version check to check for 10.7.2
  • Reduced number of spins to light the outlanes to 15 from 20.
  • Added a tournament mode option (Extra Balls/Specials score 100,000, no gold balls will be put into play). Set to Off by default
  • New non-B2S backdrop
  • Removed automatic reset of tilt swing and nudge directions at start of ball. Nudge directions now only reset when the tilt timer is turned off
  • Added a "Same Player Shoots Again" indicator to the non-B2s backdrop similar to the one on the B2S backglass
Update of Hextech to 1.2.0. Special thanks to VPF user EpeC for the new playfield light lenses and dynamic GI lighting additions.

The B2S backglass file is included with the table zip and it remains unchanged. The zip file also has a TrueType font called Friz Quadrata. This is used in some text boxes on the non-B2S backdrop, as well as in the B2S backglass. so if you haven't already, you'll want to install this to your Windows Fonts folder to ensure you'll see the table as I originally intended, particularly if you intend to run the table without B2S. You'll also want to check "Disable B2S" in the Configure Keys/Nudge/DOF section of VP if you intend to run the table without B2S. If you intend to run the table with B2S, the font shouldn't need to be installed.

I don't always run B2S when playing VP, but when I do, I can either run a dual-screen or single-screen setup to run B2S. The zip file has two different ScreenRes files. The one named ScreenResOld has the settings I previously used for single screen, while the one just named ScrenRes are the settings I'm currently using. I have a pair of 27" gaming monitors on my main system and my laptop has a single 17" screen. Individual setups can vary, so feel free to tweak your B2S settings as you need. There are DOF commands in the script for the cabinet guys which have not changed from 1.0, but honestly I have no way of knowing if they even work as I don't have a cabinet and have no way of testing DOF. I think I found them in a different table and copied/pasted them here. I don't really understand DOF and how it works so if there are better solutions for DOF let me know.

Play notes

This table can be pretty brutal as far as quick drains, and the ball making a direct beeline for the outlanes. I'm not really sure how to tweak or fix it so it doesn't drain so much. I know of some real EMs that can be pretty brutal as far as quick drains. It's also why I set it to default to 5 balls per game. At the same time, it can be pretty fun too. Trying to get a multiball is probably where the points are on this table. Get a multiball with a gold ball in play and the table can go ham with all the bells going off and the scoring with the gold ball being 4x during multiball. With the exception of the playfield lighting, most are minor changes. I did make a new non-B2S backdrop and added an optional tournament mode you can turn on in the options. The tournament mode prevents the gold ball from coming onto the playfield and any extra balls or specials that would be earned instead scores 100,000 points. See the changelog for the full list of updates.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this little table of mine.

Take Care


  • Hextech 1.2 DT non-B2S screenshot.png
    Hextech 1.2 DT non-B2S screenshot.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 70
  • Hextech 1.2 FS screenshot.png
    Hextech 1.2 FS screenshot.png
    3.1 MB · Views: 63
  • Hextech B2S Backglass.png
    Hextech B2S Backglass.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 68
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