JAWS (Original) BIGGER BOAT EDITION (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP JAWS (Original) BIGGER BOAT EDITION (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) 1.7

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Solid State Machines
in desktop mode can be improved cam scrolling 1
FP's preset camera views (using the Fxx keys) are hard coded and can't be changed or adjusted.
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easy to install thx
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Super table!
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One of the best simply got better!
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Awesome table!
I also want to encourage new-ish people: it's super easy to install, just follow Terry's instructions.
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Amazing update for a a already near perfect table.
Im glad I checked for bam updates, this is a great improvement.
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Fantastic Work !!! Thanks for your time and contribution.
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FizX on this is fantastic, great work!
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thank you for your work
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Gracias como siempre son los mejores..👍🏻
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What can I say? So many details, great to play, simply wow!
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Don't waste time. Download and play it.
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