King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) VP921 by Robair

VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) VP921 by Robair 08-22-2021

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King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) by Robair Vp9.21
IPDB No. 1372
3,200 units (confirmed)​
Mechanical Backbox Animation [?]
Notable Features:
Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Roto-targets (5), Standup targets (5), Backbox animation (playing cards drop down). 3 or 5 ball play.

Maximum displayed point score is 1,999 points.

Sound: 3 bells, knocker.

Tilt penalty: game over.​
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This is the last pinball machine from this manufacturer to use a silkscreened '1' for the thousands digit in the score. Subsequent games used a score reel in this position for higher scoring.

The add-a-ball version of this game is Gottlieb's 1967 'Diamond Jack'. The add-a-ball version for export to Italy was Gottlieb's 1967 'Solitaire'. The game was also produced in Spain as Petaco's 1967 'Rey de Diamantes'.​
Note: A creation with very good graphics, adopted via a Bendigo template. --Furio
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