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The script calls use of UltraDMD. Cannot locate an associated download.
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Looks and sounds fantastic! You can tell Terry put a ton of effort into this table. Much appreciated!
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Awesome Table thank you! You definitely have the powerrrrrrr!
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best table ever played on virtual pinball....tnx for this.
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For sprk_103 in ROMs
Thanks, wonderfully awesome
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For elvis in ROMs
Execellent thank you.
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Thank you very, very much! Without a wonderfully helpful community this hobby would be out of my reach.
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Terry: Thank-you for all you do for this hobby and the hours you put into all of your support for FP' Your table lighting and setup in the new AIO package is spectacular. Best Xmas gift ever. Thanks again.
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Thank You Very Much!!
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I should have given this rating to TerryRed long time ago. I have played his versions of Blade Runner a lot, and Indiana Jones, Jaws and Starwars as well.
It's by no doubt fantastic pinball games he make out of Bam. Visually quite a show and the choice of music and sound is terrific specially in Blade Runner.
Back to Masters of The Universe. Incredibly work and a very big pinball game with all these choices of scenaries and characters. Clever thinking
the way Terry uses shadow and light in this game.
Upvote 1
I like this thank you
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Good table thank you for sharing the dragon looks great
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This board is incredible.
Thank you for giving us this masterpiece.
You are really great
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Incredible, Amazing, Beautiful, Fun! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication
Upvote 0
This is truly a masterpiece. Unbelievable what is possible with FP and BAM. And the Mega VR room is out of this world! Thanks Terry for this X-mas present!
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