Sky Ride (Genco, 1933)

VPX Genco Flipperless Recreation Sky Ride (Genco, 1933) v1.1a

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Sky Ride (Genco, 1933) VPX v1.1a
IPD No. 2200

Another brand new, never released table for Visual Pinball X or VP 10. Please read the author's notes included with the zip file for some interesting information! This is a TOUGH table, but VERY fun to play. Enjoy!
  • SkyRideSCREENIE.jpg
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  • Sky Ride (Genco, 1933) v1.1a.PNG
    Sky Ride (Genco, 1933) v1.1a.PNG
    2.7 MB · Views: 114

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  1. Sky Ride (Genco, 1933)

    Added LUT selection toggled with Buy-In Key (2 Key) Assigned material to items to remove default...
  2. Sky Ride, 1933 by Genco V 1.1 for VPX

    Fixed the ball lift hole to look properly. Fixed a few things on the BG area. Plays the same as...
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