• - ROMs are named as per MAME standards. If you're not sure which one you need, VpinMAME will tell you via error message when you run the table. You can also find the name in the script, usually by searching "gamename." Meanwhile, while browsing here, you can sort ROMs alphabetically by clicking on Filters, Sort by Title, Ascending. (like this)

    - Drop the file in the ROMs folder you've set up in VpinMAME. Now you can run the VP table.

    - Note: Sometimes there's a range of potential ROMs for a table, all named similarly. Try to get the exact one the table script calls for. If you can't, try renaming the one in the script to whatever you happen to have. For more ROM sources, see this thread.

smb3 old and new version for VPinMAME 3.5 Final

No permission to download
Per Toxies post at VPForums...
smb,smb1&smb3 were cleaned up/some ROMs exchanged to feature the correct 'mixture' of versions

Now there are 3 items available for download.
smb3.zip =
Old rom used before VPinMAME 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022)

smb3_rom for VPinMAME 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022) Zipped rom inside.zip =
New rom used with VPinMAME 3.5 Final

smb3 pre-initialized nvram for VPinMAME 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022).zip =
nvram for table to accept coins when using the new rom.

So if you are using the newest vpinmame 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022), you will need the new rom and new nvram file so coins are accepted.
The new rom is named "smb3_rom for VPinMAME 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022) Zipped rom inside.zip"
You will find the smb3 zipped rom inside of "smb3_rom for VPinMAME 3.5 (rev 9-20-2022) Zipped rom inside.zip" file.
Place smb3.zip in your roms folder.
Place smb3.nv in your nvram folder to allow for coin insert to be detected.
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