Sons Of Anarchy (Original) by jipar

SS Original Table FP Sons Of Anarchy (Original) by jipar v1.3

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Solid State Machines
by jipar
at 2012-05-18
Type Original


with Charlie Hunnam , Ron Perlman ...

Update 1.3 :

-translite refait (cadre plus esthétique)

-5 billes au lieu de 3

-timer modifié pour rampe vers cibles ANARCHY : 10-20-30-40 sec (au lieu de 6-12-18-26)

-timer modifié pour rampe JACKPOT : 80 sec (au lieu de 60)

-le JACKPOT vaut à présent 1.000.000 (au lieu de 500.000)

Mise à jour 1.2 :

-déplacement des motos du décor pour équilibrer
-panneaux routiers à la place
-certains sons modifiés ( targets ...)
-problème de rampes résolu: la bille ne saute plus! (j'espère)
-Kicker directionnel du haut réorienté vers le bas pour éviter d'y retomber 10 fois!
-couteau du décor diminué un peu
-les diverter des rampes s'ouvrent tous en fin de partie
-lentilles des lumières modifiées

Update 1.2 :

-displacement motorcycles to balance the set
-road signs in place
-changed some sounds (targets ...)
-problem fixed-ramps: the ball does not jump! (I hope)
-Kicker-up shifted down to avoid falling back 10 times!
-knife of the set reduced just
-the diverter-ramps open at the end of every party
-lightlenses modified
Mods of this table :


1.hit the captive RED ball (1) to open ramp 60 sec (2) and to increase timer (10-20-30-40 sec) for flippers on the floor ANARCHY.
Then shoot all the targets (3) to light an EXTRABALL (2 times for SPECIAL) and to open the JACKPOT ramp 80 sec (4).
Otherwise You get a FREEBALL. 5 hits with the same ball on the captive-red lights an EXTRABALL.

2.lock 3 balls in Police Station (blue way) to enable MULTIBALL mode (3 targets + ball in the hole)

3.get in white hole to enable SONS-targets ( 50 sec) and shoot all of them to get a FREEBALL (+1) and light an EXTRABALL (ramp).

4.take the XB ramp 4 times to light an EXTRABALL, 5 for SPECIAL, and also to collect BONUS, any EXTRABALL or SPECIAL when lit.

5.hit SAMCRO-targets 4 times to light an EXTRABALL; 5 for SPECIAL (during all the game with all the balls)

6.follow the green way (arms trade) to increase bonus-multiplier and to enable the ammunition mode : 8 targets
(AMMO BOX) during 40 sec to get a little JACKPOT (100.000) and a FREEBALL (+1).

7.hit the money-targets 2 times each, to light ammunition-gate (50.000) or whiskey-gate (20.000).
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  • uptown47 @ uptown47:
    (AI prompt) What is a EM Pinball Machine?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @uptown47, An EM pinball machine refers to an "Electro-Mechanical" pinball machine. These are the classic pinball machines that were manufactured before the advent of solid-state technology, which uses microprocessors and digital displays. EM pinball machines were popular from the 1930s through the late 1970s.

    EM pinball machines operate using a complex system of mechanical components such as relays, stepping units, score reels, and switches, along with electromagnetic devices like solenoids and coils. These components work together to control the gameplay, scoring, and sound effects.

    The gameplay of EM pinball machines is typically more straightforward than that of modern solid-state machines, with a focus on hitting targets, bumpers, and completing specific sequences to score points. The scoring is displayed on mechanical reels or wheels that physically turn to show the player's score.

    Collectors and enthusiasts often appreciate EM pinball machines for their historical significance, mechanical ingenuity, and the tactile experience they provide. The
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