Minor bug fixes. Resolved desktop display not clearing in cabinet mode. This version is now by default NOT desktop mode. To enable the de+++++++sktop displays, change the DTMode variable near top of script to 1.
Included two new b2s files. Both are 2 screen with a grill for the dmd included. One is standard, and will work on 2 screen cabinets. The other is INVERTED and is included for use by those who have three screen or 2 screen cabinets configured such that the normal b2s scores are not displayed. It positions the grill and dmd at the top[ of the backglass, so they are not cropped in some system configurations, facilitating play on 3 screen cabinets until a working three screen b2s exists.
Also includes a new wheel, with art from the backglass.
You can interact with the ChatGPT Bot in any Chat Room and there is a dedicated room. The command is /ai followed by a space and then your ? or inquiry.
ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?