by onlinechaos
at 2012-05-25
Type Original
original table in a mid 70`s style
changes v1.1:
-fixed a musicbug
-darker backglass
-added a random wonder scoring to the diadem super shot
-count of supershots are now stored for each player
Mods of this table :
Wonder Woman Mod 1.1
-saucer lits extraball and special
-left target bank lits diadem super score
-completing toplanes twice opens diverter
-hidden right target increases bonus multiplier
at 2012-05-25
Type Original
original table in a mid 70`s style
changes v1.1:
-fixed a musicbug
-darker backglass
-added a random wonder scoring to the diadem super shot
-count of supershots are now stored for each player
Mods of this table :
Wonder Woman Mod 1.1
-saucer lits extraball and special
-left target bank lits diadem super score
-completing toplanes twice opens diverter
-hidden right target increases bonus multiplier