1. pbecker1946

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Double Barrel (Williams, 1961) VP8 v1.0 (PLB) 2020-01-28

    Double Barrel (Williams, 1961) VP8 v1.0 (PLB) IPD No. 709 New VP8 Build of 1961 Williams game Double Barrel with a focus on game play.
  2. Duglis

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Corral (Gottlieb, 1961) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Corral Gottlieb 1961 by Duglis and Robair IPD No. 569
  3. rascal

    VP8 Bally EM Flipperless Recreation Sharpshooter (Bally, 1961) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Shooting Gallery with moving targets. Two player dime per game shooting gallery. Point and shoot styrene balls at moving squirrel and rabbit drop targets. Pop-up red fox sscore high points.
  4. franzleo

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Flipper Parade (Gottlieb, 1961) v2.0 2020-01-28

    Flipper Parade / IPD No. 895 / May, 1961 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: 7.7/10 (8 ratings/7 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: May, 1961 Model Number: 181 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM)...
  5. angmarg52

    Williams EM Recreation FP Add-A-Ball (Williams, 1961) v1.0

    Add-A-Ball 1961 Williams By Margoni IPD No. 4362
  6. rascal

    VP8 Bally EM Flipperless Recreation Sharpshooter (Bally, 1961) VP8

    1961 Bally Sharpshooter A shooting gallery with moving targets. Happy Holidays to everybody! :D https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/sharpshooter-bally-1961.3999/
  7. tiltjlp

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Patrick releases Lancers

    Working solo, Patrick has recreated Lancers, a 1961 Gottlieb 2 player table with a marching band theme. What sets Lancers apart from other games of the era is an abundence of kickers, some which fire the ball to the top of the table, while others send the ball to the flippers. Patrick's version...
  8. G

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Space Ship (Williams 1961) My 50th now at IRP

    Go get it folks. BEWARE!!!! it's a drain MONSTER!!!! The rewards however are good if you can keep the ball alive long enough. BIG thanx once again to LUVTHATAPEX for the great table pics he has and continues to supply me with. Cheers Leon
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