1. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP 2001 (Gottlieb, 1971)

    2001 is now avalaible at IRPinball (and here) , main section. So, try and enjoy 2001....
  2. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Drop A Card (Gottlieb, 1971)

    Released and avalaible at http://irpinball.ztnet.com/ Enjoy it!!! But, remember: "It's more fun to compete" Others tables released: King and Queens and Sweet Hearts. Some pics...
  3. tiltjlp

    VP8 Williams EM Flipperless Recreation Speedometer & Winner released

    Patrick & tiltjlp release a pair of interesting tables, one at Pinball Nirvana, and one at IRP. The one hosted at IRP is actually an unidetified pinball toy Patrick found on the web. We call it Speedometer Pinball, since the progress of your game isn’t measured in points, but by a scoring...
  4. tiltjlp

    VP8 Williams EM Recreation Starman Releases Yukon

    Starman has released a demo of Yukon, an interesting flippered table with a slot machine it the top of the playfield, and several kickers. You'll find it in our Unusal Flipper Treatment section here...
  5. Furio

    VP8 Gottlieb EM Recreation Dimension (Gottlieb 1971) 1.1

    Now available at IRP "Dimension (Gottlieb 1971) 1.1" greets, Furio
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