
  1. 20degree

    Tutorial My Free Futurepinball PDF Guides that i created

    Shiva here is the link to my pdf guides related to FP......... 1st book is about: The table basic center line info - Basic info about Surface - Basic info about Lights - Basic info about progress event - Basic info about diverter - Basic info about gaz display segment...
  2. 20degree

    Tutorial Tutorial, How to create your own OpenOffice text document

    HI to all I just have finished my own pdf document about how to create and use your own OpenOffice text document. This guide could help you create your own guides or text documents. Maybe you have your own company? Maybe you would like to create a document for a company? In both ways i'm glad...
  3. 20degree

    Support File My Free Futurepinball PDF Guides

    I think it is appropriate to share my free pdf guides in this section. Since it is into Future Pinball and Tutorials & Guides Here is the link to my first free pdf guide about Futurepinball: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B60m6W-FuLPHZXAyZGxRRmRXNm8/view?usp=sharing...
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