solid state

  1. faralos

    VP8 SS Recreation Video Games Space Adventure (PC Game to VP) VP8 v1.1 Loaded 2020-01-28

    Space_Adv_v1.1_Loaded_ By faralos. This is a PC to VP conversion. Hit 5 to drop a coin, hit 1 to start a game this table sits in a basic template so plays just as easily. The ball at times takes a little hop over those three holes at the back ramp going from left to right. Sorry for that I...
  2. K

    VP8 SS Recreation Empire Strikes Back, The (Hankin, 1980) VP8 v1a MOD 2020-01-28

    The Empire Strikes Back (Hankins 1980) a modification of Eala Dubh's VP8 table. IPD No. 2868
  3. Not Registered

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Solar Ride (Gottlieb, 1979) VP8 Mod_by_OWJ_amended 2020-01-28

    Solar_Ride 1979 Gottlieb by OWJ IPD No. 2239
  4. E

    VP8 Zaccaria SS Recreation Soccer Kings (Zaccaria, 1982) VP8 vRC1 [Non-VPM]

    Soccer Kings 1982 Zaccaria by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 2235 Romless VP-only version. I'd forgotten how good this one was for its time. Pretty faithful to toriginal thanks to close development support from Luvthatapex, and with better quality speech as well. A quick brush up with the physics, and...
  5. E

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Magic (Stern, 1979) VP8 v(non-VPM) 2020-01-28

    Magic Stern 1979 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 1509 Romless VP-only edition as used for tournament play. Authentic game rules and in my own opinion, slightly superior to the VPM one.
  6. E

    VP8 Game Plan SS Recreation Loch Ness Monster (GamePlan, 1985) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Loch Ness Monster GamePlan 1985 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 1465 Complete and playable VP-only version. Not yet emulated in VPM, due to lack of roms and documentation. Definitive information and resources on this game are limited, so game rules are an educated guess on my part. Notes: Game...
  7. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Power Play, Bobby Orr (Bally, 1978) VP8 vse3 6.22.06 2020-01-28

    power play Bally 1978 by shiva IPD No. 1858 * Power Play se3 Version * - powered by shivaEngine3 - se version by: p.d.sanderson (shiva) * Setting up this game * Place the VPT file in your Tables folder. Make sure you have the proper vbs files included in the same folder as this game...
  8. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Playboy (Bally, 1978) VP8 vse3 2020-01-28

    playboy Bally 1978 By shiva IPD No. 1823
  9. shiva

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Kiss (Bally, 1979) VP8 vse3 2020-01-28

    kiss Bally 1978 by shiva IPD No. 1386 * Kiss se3 Version * - se version by: p.d.sanderson (shiva) Please read the table info for rules and information. This uses the build 07.14.06 or higher of shivaEngine3, included with this table.
  10. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation Marvel Super Heroes (Zizzle, 2007) VP9 v1.1

    Marvel Zizzle 2007 by Faralos IPD No. 5643 This is a custom redo of a commercial table sold by the Zizzle company. All sounds and the scoring is custom done by Faralos with extensive help from Wizards hat! I did not have the original table to help me with sounds and scoring so it is a...
  11. jpsalas

    VP9 SS Recreation Mephisto (Unidesa, 1987) VP9 v1.02

    Mephisto Unidesa 1987 by jpsalas IPD No. 4077 CIRSA 1992 by JPSalas. This is for VP9 only. 1.02 fixes a bug in the multiball.
  12. E

    VP8 SS Recreation F1 Grand Prix (Bell Games, 1987) VP8 vRC1 (non-VPM) 2020-01-28

    F1 Grand Prix (Bell Games 1987) by Eala Dubh IPD No. 3623 Not yet fully-emulated in VPM, romless playable VP-only adaptation.
  13. E

    VP8 SS Recreation Black Sheep Squadron (Astro, 1979) VP8 v2.0 (non-VPM) 2020-01-28

    Astro 1979 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 314 Romless VP-only version.
  14. E

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Asteroid Annie (Gottlieb 1980) VP8 v2.0 (non-VPM) 2020-01-28

    Gottlieb 1980 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 98 Romless VP-only version. Different card-spotting, bonus and multiplier rules.
  15. E

    VP8 Game Plan SS Recreation Cyclopes (Game Plan, 1985) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Cyclopes GamePlan 1985 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPD No. 619 Romless VP-only version as used for tournament play. Fondly remembered for Duglis' over-the-top voice work.
  16. scapino

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Count-Down (Gottlieb, 1979) VP8 v2.1 2020-01-28

    Gottlieb 1979 by Kurt Herman aka scapino IPD No. 573 Notes: The 2-player EM version of this game is Gottlieb's 1979 'Space Walk'.
  17. D

    VP8 SS Recreation Big Top (Wico, 1977) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Big Top (Wico, 1977) VP8 v1.0 by Destruk, TAB IPD No. 287 1977 Wico Corporation, of Chicago, Illinois GAME FEATURES Top and bottom rollover Buttons change score value Electric Ball Return Dual Chime sound when scoring Electronic Tilt Press 1 to start game. Big Top/IPD No. 287/November, 1977/1...
  18. druadic

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Face-to-Face (classic puzzle) VP8 v1.0a 2020-01-28

    face_to_face Face To Face - NEW!!! (Author's FAVORITE!) By druadic One heck of a fun puzzle game that requires the player to place lettered tiles with numbers to fit one way into the game board. With FOUR difficulty settings, you'll find that Face To Face is a game that will keep you coming...
  19. 4

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Poker (Sircoma, 1979) VP8 2020-01-28

  20. 4

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation MasterMind (Invicta, 1971) VP8 2020-01-28

  21. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation VP-Man (Namco's "Pac-Man", 1980) VP8 by Apoc vB.05 2020-01-28

    A mock-up of Pac-man, by Apocalypse.
  22. patrick

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Shoot The Bear (Seaburg's Shooting Gallery, 1947) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    shootthebear2 Shoot the Bear gun game. By Patrick, tiltjlp, & Duglis Due to the popularity of this game, it was made by Seeburg from 1947 to 1949. The VP game includes a Ray-o-lite gun and animated bears. Updated by Duglis.
  23. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table PAC-THRU (Original) VP8 by Gerhard & crew v1.0 2020-01-28

    Requires DMD from Gerhard Find here.. Note from Xenonph: Install the dmd program into your tables folder, instead of Program Files. I am running this on Windows 7 64bit. Uses mouse for controller.
  24. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Ninja Gun (Kasko, 1970's) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    ninja_gun By wrenchien
  25. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Breakthru (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc v1.0 2020-01-28

    breakthru1.0 By Apocalypse
  26. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Apoctopong (Atari's Pong, 1972) VP8 by Apoc v3.0 2020-01-28

    apoctopongv3.0 By Apocalypse
  27. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Vertigo (Original) VP8 v1.0p

    VertigoV1.0p by Jeff Block Another zero gravity table, this time with identical playfields.
  28. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table VP Roller Coaster (Original) VP8 by Mark W. v1.0 2020-01-28

    by Mark.w Demo, open for modifying. Not actually a table, but a demo of a working roller coaster open for modifying. Interesting indeed.
  29. Freezezzy

    VP8 EM SS Original Table Recreation Video Games Tiger Electronic Pinball 1&2 (Original+Recreation) VP8 v2.2 and v1.0 2020-01-28

    Both an original and a re-creation! Jeff Block, the author.
  30. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation The Price is Right - Cliffhangers (TV Gameshow) VP8 by Douglas Roberts v1.2 2020-01-28

    Cliffhangers! by Douglas Roberts It's one of The Price is Right's favorite pricing games in Visual Pinball! Cliffhangers! Try to get as close to step 25 without going over to win $100,000 in virtual cash! Go over and lose your shirt! Press S to start game Press enter to start the randomizer...
  31. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Sonic's Enigma (Taito's Bust-A-Move, 1994) VP8 by Scott Bermel 2020-01-28

    (background music here) GENERAL GAME RULES: A) Create groups of 3 or more gems of the same colour to POP them and score points. B) When you POP gems, any without a connection back to the top will drop and increase the BALL-VALUE as well as score points C) Clearing the playfield of all gems...
  32. C

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Pac-man (Namco, 1980) VP8 vb2 demo

    By Cold1 Impressive demo by a legend from long ago.
  33. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Original Table Musical Table (Original) VP8 by Paul E L v1.0 2020-01-28

    Wow, this one's different. It seems to be a sound bank (you can hit various keys to play different notes & sounds) that doubles as a giant playfield, filled with bumpers, for a ball to bounce around in. [notes by @Ike Savage]
  34. bob

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Memory Zone Pipes (Milton Bradley's Simon, 1978) VP8 2020-01-28

    Memory_Zone_Pipes by Bob Based on Simon game. Press the keys that match the dropping pipes. Dedicated to Fred Rogers.
  35. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Laser Chess 010 (Mike Duppong, 1987) VP8 v0.10 2020-01-28

    LaserChess010 1987 PC Game Remake
  36. Rockinghorse

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table HypnoBall (Original) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

  37. Anthias

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table Flipperless Frogger (Original) VP8 v1.1b 2020-01-28

    Flipperless_Frogger_v1.1b By Anthias
  38. druadic

    VP9 SS Flipperless Recreation Face-to-Face (classic puzzle) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    F2FVP9 Updated Face To Face to work in VP9. Plays best at 1024x768 dpi.
  39. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation The Cubist (Puzzle) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

  40. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Connect Four (Milton Bradley, 1974) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Plays an admirable game in single player mode!
  41. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Chicken Shift (1984, Bally) VP8 by Bad_CRC vB1 2020-01-28

    Chicken_Shift_(1984_Bally) by Bad_CRC
  42. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games 7 of 9-ball (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc v3.0 Final 2020-01-28

    7 of 9-ball (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc
  43. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table AntiGrav Pinball (Original) VP8 v1.6 2020-01-28

    While it's difficult to pick any one Jeff Block table as representative of @Freezezzy's total body of work, I like the way this game turns VP on its head, so to speak, by removing gravity and creating a four-player, eight-flippered experience. This might not be the most landbreaking game ever...
  44. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Spheres (Original) VP8 v1.3p 2020-01-28

    Spheres_-_v1.3p by Freezezzy In this game, the object is to complete lines of balls. When a line is completed, it disappears, points are scored, and all balls advance upward. New to v1.3: My nephew was playing this game, and while I was watching him, he was pressing the spacebar to drop the...
  45. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Rising Steps (Original) VP8 v1.3p

    by Freezezzy This is a table that I made a couple of years ago. Though it was officially finished, I was never really satisfied with the look of it. Just recently (today actually), I finally updated the look of this table's walls, objects, and floor. As I was working on another table, I created...
  46. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table Sky Carnival (Original) VP8 v1.0p

    Sky_Carnival_-_v1.0p by Freezezzy My first "flipperless" table. Although, technically, it does have flippers, they are fully automated. All you have to do is launch the ball, and maybe give the table a nudge every now and again.
  47. I

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table Mappy (Original) VP8 v1.1

    MappyV11 By Ice Pagoda Based on arcade game of the same name.
  48. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table Great OX (Original) VP8 v1.0p 2020-01-28

    Great_OX_-_v1.0p This game is played just like Tic-Tac-Toe. The difference lies in the fact that, in order to mark a grid (9 squares, 3x3), a player must win it by placing 3 of their symbols in a row, column, or diagonally, in the squares within the grid.
  49. faralos

    VP9 SS Original Table Brooklyn (Original) VP9 vFinal

    Brooklyn_different_look_Jan_10 I got bored with the old bright look of Brooklyn so changed a few things in it. the pf is just one. Here is the final table, I promise! the lights are set up in an attract mode This table is VP9
  50. Rockinghorse

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table Blinky Ball (Original) VP8 v1.1 2020-01-28

    Blinky_Ball By Rockinghorse
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