5Th Element, The (Original) rom X2_FizX3

SS Original Table FizX BAM FP 5Th Element, The (Original) rom X2_FizX3 v1.0

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
You did a nice job on this table. The only change I made for my own preferences is to change the table slope from 5 to 5.7 (plus I always lower the flipper bounce). It seemed like the ball wanted to hang up a little more than it should because there wasn't enough slope to drive the ball hard enough.
Looks nice. I didn't know this table existed!

Apropos, I recently discovered some cool concept art for this movie, and did some upgrade work to the following, one of my favorites:

Looks nice. I didn't know this table existed!

Apropos, I recently discovered some cool concept art for this movie, and did some upgrade work to the following, one of my favorites:


This one is really cool! It could be added to the loading screen for end users that have cabinets. Since it is a portrait shape, it would work best on a cabinet. He has some others in a landscape format that might work for a desktop loading screen.
plays very good at my cab. DOF and SSF sounds well
in fact this table can still be worked on, but remains functional with a good atmosphere. At first I wanted to redo all the graphics and inserts. But it would change too much the original design of "rom" so I simply moved insertions to leave room for the image of the head of the cab that rom had created. So thank you
Nice update , thanks.
You did a nice job on this table. The only change I made for my own preferences is to change the table slope from 5 to 5.7 (plus I always lower the flipper bounce). It seemed like the ball wanted to hang up a little more than it should because there wasn't enough slope to drive the ball hard enough.
yes I haven't configured... FizX is by default. I also forgot the "RubbersSurface" surface for the post height. So it could be reposted
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