Tutorial FP Analogue nudge in FP

Future Pinball
One thing with analogue plunger on FP.... you need to pull the plunger back, then hold the plunger in place for 1 second at least before letting go. If you try to pull and release quickly like you would on a real pin, then the ball won't get full power applied and that tends to cause the ball to not shoot correctly.
But for some tables you don't want full power: trying to get that 'bonus'! :)
But for some tables you don't want full power: trying to get that 'bonus'! :)

"Full power" of where you have the plunger pulled to. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4.... whatever you want for the plunger for a skill shot, etc.... you need to pull it to that position then hold it there for 1 to 2 seconds... then release it.

If you pull it part way and release it right away (without waiting 1 to 2 seconds), then it won't give the correct amount of power (if the table is updated correctly).
"Full power" of where you have the plunger pulled to. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4.... whatever you want for the plunger for a skill shot, etc.... you need to pull it to that position then hold it there for 1 to 2 seconds... then release it.

If you pull it part way and release it right away (without waiting 1 to 2 seconds), then it won't give the correct amount of power (if the table is updated correctly).
Ah.. So "pausing" at the spot. I'll definitely give it a try. the Jaws table was the worst for me w/the plunger going "flaccid" when it released the ball or several times it never made it out of the shoot to the playfield.
I was recently made aware by @JLou5641 that if your pc is NOT in english you'll probably need the *english* dinput8.dll file. So i'll leave the zip file here, just in case, and if you need it, just extract it to your FP install folder.

I've tried your DLL to make my pinscape+plunger work, but it got even worse: with your DLL copied in my FD-dir , the pinscape controller option disappeard completely in the settings and just the mouse remains. Deleting the DLL, the pinscape returns in the selection. But of course still without any possibility to pick an axis.
You're right.

Edited my post since I tested and the .dll removes all controllers except the mouse so I can't recommend it.
thanx @AnonTet ... i've startet a topic at vpforums.org (last try), may some out there comes with an idea.
If you get it to work let me know please.
Just posted in FB but if anyone could help here:
What button in FP is used to release a ball when the plunger isn't used?
For some reason I can't figure out what button I don't have mapped to shoot the ball in tables like F-14.
It WAS working before I installed my KLZ but not sure what changed.
Also, is it just the Z axis that impacts the plunger? I ask since mine releases 'slow' and 'weak' (no puns please).
I don't know what the default button is for plunger (i have customized my keys) but you can go to Preferences - Game Keys and Controls and check it there.

You can also adjust the GAIN for analog plunger in the same screen.

Regarding weak plunger, some tables have custom code to override PF's default behaviour and you may need to comment that code. Unfortunately this is quite common so you'll have to do this on pretty much all tables :\
@TerryRed solved. :-)

A simple switch of the display language to "US English" in Windows and the problem is solved. The only thing that needs to be changed is the windows display language. All other things (keyboard ...) can be kept. After checking everything and this change did not create any new problems, I can recommend this solution.

(People who don't have a cab and need their PC in the home language can certainly switch the language temporarily via PuP with a small batch script. I have not tried this, since I have a cap-only PC).
I can't because I'm having calibration issues with mine. So until I decide (read time and patience) to look at the issue, I can't use it. Good waste of money. But hey, it looks good on the controller :D
Neither Future Pinball nor Visual Pinball work well with the XBox 360 gamepad. Nudge also doesn't perform like most commercial pinball sims, where you use the nudge sticks in a "semi-digital" manner, being able to nudge the table more or less depending on your skill.

Pinball Arcade can work both with accelerometers and analog sticks, so somehow they managed to pull it off.
@TerryRed solved. :-)

A simple switch of the display language to "US English" in Windows and the problem is solved. The only thing that needs to be changed is the windows display language. All other things (keyboard ...) can be kept. After checking everything and this change did not create any new problems, I can recommend this solution.

(People who don't have a cab and need their PC in the home language can certainly switch the language temporarily via PuP with a small batch script. I have not tried this, since I have a cap-only PC).
[SOLVED] using Regedit : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/a...QePDSauTqHcUpCLoK95_OAXYiiDl7KPpJb8E6Sq91wERY

Hi, I tried to swith my Windows 11 OS to english but I got an 0x80073d01 error.
I tried some things to solve this but still no way to switch to english.
If anyone had the same issue and found the solution... Thanks.
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