Data East Checkpoint (Data East, 1991) DMD


Pinball Nudger
Mar 1, 2010
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Bally Air Aces
Hi all. I just purchased a 1991 Checkpoint pinball machine and have a question regarding the dot matrix display. The problem is as follows:
When I first turn the machine on the dot matrix does not completely show up. The majority of the issues seem to revolve around not being able to see all of the score. Interestingly, over time (30 mins to an hour) everything starts to show up on the dot matrix except for the very top left hand portion of the player's score. I can tell that that portion of the DMD is not completely out as it appears to light up at other times during play depending on what is being displayed. I have replaced the 8 amp backbox 18 volt lamp matrix fuse in hope that it would solve the problem to no avail. Do I need a new display? Could it be the board or a capacitor? Any insight or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Please also understand that while I consider myself mechanically inclined this is the first pinball machine that I have had since I had a Bally's Air Aces machine as a kid 30 years ago. Thanks.
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