VPX WIP Fear and Loathing


Pinball Hall of Famer
Oct 4, 2018
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Favorite Pinball Machine
gi joe
A preview on what I will be working on for the rest of the year is a Fear and Loathing game. I just work on these on my spare time check back and see the progress and post any ideas this won't be finished until the end of the year.

Fear and Loathing.jpg
It just keeps getting better this is early view of the playfield I will be fixing some shadows and brightness and have added a 3d model but not revealing it yet. I also need to switch out the pegs and rubber bands surprised I got this much done today.

fear and loathing pinball playfield art.jpg
Finished off the plastics today if anyone wants any 3d models just post what you are looking for I can find them fast.

art for plastic.jpg
Just made some cactus style pegs and found better screws the best part of making something new is trying out new models and ideas. What do you think of the cactus pegs ?

cactus pegs.jpg
This weekend I had some time and did a lot of texture cleaning added some shadows but needs more shadows and did a game room. The game room is 3 different 3d models they are low 30 polygons will be included in the game just click "visible" in the editor. Personally I don't like or use game rooms because it makes everything brighter. The top area needs more work more lights and flashing stuff hopefully done by end of the year any ideas for the game are welcome.

Fear and Loathing Visual Pinball.jpg

Loathing game room visual pinball.jpg
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