How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Hey, Shoob;

For fans of AI and robots, season 2 of Halle Berry's Extant is due to roll up pretty soon.

Any remarks?

Edit: I wonder if she'll reprise her character from the Travolta movie, Swordfish?
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gregg......................... are you sure you want to go there?
To what 'there' do you refer, Ike? ;)
We had Cicadas in Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. When we had picnics,
we had Cicadas in the potato salad.
LOL! I believe Ike's pointing the ol' HAL 9000 at you, gregg! Hope you remember all the words to Bicycle Built for Two! I concur on the Ex Machina movie. A little slow going to begin with and it doesn't help that one of the four characters in the movie is a complete douche but, man, what an ending!
"I'm sorry, Dave; the pod bay doors seem to have taken a crap."
"Touch me...touch me...what are you afraid of?...where are your scissors?'re sweating...I find perspiration erotic...that's better...

LOL! We're truly living in a brave, new world!
Did anybody go see Jurassic World this weekend?
In no particular order, are you a Midnight Preview kind of moviegoer among revelers with the party atmosphere, a blockbuster opening weekend viewer?
One that goes with the crowds? Or one who prefers a quiet viewing with only a handful of audience on a rainy Tuesday night in a damp and drafty theater? Or a catch it at home viewer? A downloader?

About the dinos, a few of the locals set off fireworks Saturday night. They do that around here when a movie is breaking world records. They knew last night that the attendance was through the roof. The last time they did that was the Saturday night for the Furious 7 opening weekend.
streaming, on my home theatre.

in fact there's a theatre next door, but they rarely show anything i'm interested in (which is mainly international and indy films).

that reminds me, i need to take a break from M*A*S*H and classic simpsons and watch the illusionist (2010). it's by the guy who did the crazy cool "triplets of belleville" movie before that... not the edward norton one.
Downloading or streaming. Mostly downloading. The movie experience ain't what it used to be. Too expensive. Too loud. And I can't think of that many recent movies I would have paid admission to see.
Ye gads but I'm old.
And I skip movies that I have personal investment in, for lack of a better term for it.
I was recovering from Hepatitis B while they were struggling with filming Jaws and I banged on the piano. Odd that my family of 6 other people were not vaccinated for Hepatitis B, shared all of the living utensils and amenities, and yet None of them contracted the disease. And I contracted it about 6 months before my 21st birthday, so I could not drink a toast to the occasion for another several months. Very odd.

But, I skipped Jaws at the theater, and believe it or not, I have Never watched a single Star Wars movie. Not even at home. It could be because I saw a picture of Chewbacca on the wall in the coffee room at work every day. Who knows???
I was spending my movie evenings at The Fox Venice, catching up on The Devils.

Bill, is it because the crowds are just too easy to please? Going to those event nights, I often feel complacency in the people there. Now, on the other hand, we'vew had Lucas surveying the apartment grounds one day. And in 2005, I went to the War of the Worlds opening night at The Chinese, cut across the street to the McDonalds, saw Bill Murray waltz up to the counter dressed as Scaramouche and order a burger while Dakota Fanning hid in a darkened corner mulling her McNuggets.

When I cut back to the line at The Chinese, Spielberg was in the front courtyard, where the concrete hand and footprints are, wearing Zauder's Red in his hair, looking like the lost red-headed cousin and taking pictures, and nobody noticed him. They were not condescending. They were checking out the crowds. Attitude.

Spielberg was at The Beatles' taping. I think he's stalking me. I've seen him several times now. That just doesn't happen to anyone else.
Bill, is it because the crowds are just too easy to please?

Arne, you live in a town that made four Tramsformers movies. I'm surprised you even have to ask that.
As for the rest, it sounds like you've got a real Jewish Mafia problem. I'm betting David Geffen is your garbage man. Stay away from the convenience store. James Woods isn't interested in customer service.

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Yeah, I know. I suggested the Transformers movies. I stopped in at that Stefano's Two Guys pizza joint on the boulevard, and Mr. Bay served me the slices. This was shortly after the release of the first film.
I think they call that a Cameo.

The day Ringo got his star on the Walk of Fame, I stopped in for a slice. No Mr. Bay that day, and they slipped me the Orange Garlic.
What happened was, the Thunderbirds movie had just bombed, and I mentioned to somebody that it was a minor animated series and too risky for a movie, and that the one that the kids were Really crazy about back in the day was Transformers.

There were huge sales of Transformer toys during the animated series run. Many, many kids had to have one of those.

Yep. The fireworks over the weekend. Jurassic Word took the record for domestic opening weekend. Personally speaking, I've never been crazy about either films.
I do like Back to the Future though, and Disturbia for my popcorn viewing.
Over at the .org, I see that Christopher Lee died on the 7th. It's a shame.
As for the crowds being "easy to please", the majority of industry folks around here don't even watch the shows that they work on. Why should they? No surprises, and they've already heard that one.

Most folks around here watch Telemundo and practice their Espanol. Or like many older men, they watch sports and skip the films. Most of them live a common lifestyle, nothing fancy. No dining at The Brown Derby, or Cantors, or Spagos. Whatever.
But like caravaning, they always seem to show up when I go out for the night. It's like, "The Townie is out there. Let's follow him!".

This becomes a real drag if and when I stop at the store to get Cash Back, and the neighbor ahead of me cleans out the cash register. Then he jumps in his SUV and drives off while I wait for the bus.
And, when they watched something on cable tv, a few of them used to just skip the subscription and would hotwire the box outside. Though they never let on that they were in the biz, I could tell. The attitude was, Why Not?? It's my output.

That quit when TWC dropped analog and began scrambling the premium channels, and the channels that are not scrambled are blocked by a set of high power interference analog signals that also display ads for the service, should you tune them in. The interference signals are filtered out at the box, for paying customers.
Damn. I was thinking about a reboot of Robin Cook's (Not Really!!) Coma.
But I didn't know that it was done as a mini-series on A&E. I didn't hotwire anything!
I am bored with t.v.

But you know what happened to Tony Scott, right? And you know,
James Woods was in it....I dunno anything. Michael Crichton directed the 1978 film.
Over at the .org, I see that Christopher Lee died on the 7th. It's a shame.
it's a shame, but then he did live to 90+ in relatively good health... was able to work until the end... and enjoyed a lot of late career success with his LotR and star wars roles. looking at his WP page, i see he also married late in life, yet celebrated a golden anniversary and stayed married until his death. pretty impressive, methinks.

what was your favorite lee movie?

myself, the only older films of his i've seen are the bond one and some of the dracula movies. so then, i guess i'll go with scaramanga as the man who never misses.


always the dashing figure
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