How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Wow... I always thought Christopher Lee was much taller!
I can guarantee my choice will be a lot weirder than anyone else's here... not a sharpened fang or a wizard to be found anywhere. I watched Serial a lot when as i turned to early-80s Cinemax as my film school. Serial taught me about all the fun and foibles of living in wacky "what's happenin' now" 1970s California. Sort of like a dirtier, longer episode of Three's Company. I watched it a couple of years ago and it did not age like a fine wine. However, Christopher Lee plays Martin Mull's boss who, in his off-hours, is the leader of a gay biker gang. "Call me 'Skull', dammit!" He's pretty funny in it and manages to rise above the material. I don't think he's in the opening credits, but it's such a pretty song!
Man, did I ever have a problem keeping the man with the golden gun separate from the man with the golden finger. Herve's sartorial splendor didn't help any. I kept wondering when he was gonna chop the head off that statue with his hat. But I think it's one of my favorite Roger Moore James Bond movies. Not that it had a lot of competition.

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Those Californians I tended to avoid. Weird scenes in the goldmine, y'know.
I like Lee's Dracula movies, but I have to give "The Wicker Man" the nod. It's all about more of those Californians!

There used to be a Satanist Shop on Sunset in East Hollywood. Odd and blackened skinny-tall statuettes for sale as phallic symbols for worship and for casting one's spells and curses. And thick books oddly bound in unidentifiable leathers.

Have you ever been to one?
Yes. Every Saturday at midnight at an abandoned Pentecostal church on East Wash. In this week's celebration I finally get to serve as "the donkey in the manger", if you know what I mean. I've been waiting for this one. Hail, Stan!
speaking of which, the church of satan sounds a lot more interesting than i ever could have imagined.

i like pranks and reverse-psychology, but still... that name... that hellish name.
also, bill-- if you purchase donkey manager 8.64, i will receive a small commission.

act now! supplies limited! yada yada...

next indiana jones movie!
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They have a Hacienda and an Akbank ATM Machine!
U q'a rgubjubf id 'b Inwb ewviir, dein rgw cuwqoiubr id rgw fy'esu'ba.
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Rgwew ua ' ag'siq 'xeiaa rgw ouxryew.
Rgw giyaw 'xeiaa rgw q't suaryeva nw.
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I preferred the Donkey Manager. That has the promise of being a game that's as much fun as Papers, Please.
Oh, look! A spambot has taken over sleepy's account and it's trying to get us to buy Coach handbags from Belarus.
Pearly Mae's Dream is a saucy little thing! Off to Tijuana with you!
I knew that The Church of Satan were planning on erecting a statue of Baphomet with small children at the Oklahoma Statehouse next to their Ten Commandent statue, and I just read today that they are unveiling it next month in Detroit, though they're still trying to get the final OK to put in Oklahoma. It's creepy as shit... I hope they pull it off. :dance:

Unholy mother of Mary but that is one piece of (art) work! Dude, I would travel back to the Central Plains just to take a picture of that. With me sitting on Its lap. But, alas, It's going to Detroit... the one American city even Satan is too scared to enter.
Blue Velvet. You haven't seen it? You're not a very good neighbor! Ever put your hands in a bagful of worms?
Just watched it again. Hoo-doggie, but that's good eatin'! David Lynch once described Blue Velvet as "The Hardy Boys go to hell." He ain't far off. And, man, Dennis Hopper hangs it out for everyone to see. He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor Oscar the same year he did BV for his role in Hoosiers. I think everyone assumed it was because the Academy wasn't brave enough to nominate him for such a naughty performance.
wait... so hopper with oxygen mask and lynch were -both- in BV?

carumba, amigo! for one thing, i didn't know that lynch doubled as an actor... for another, it's been almost 30 years since i saw that flick. i seem to remember his one with nicolas cage a lot more, for reasons arcane which i am not nece-celery proud of.
Wait, no... David Lynch is the writer/director. He's not actually in the movie. Are you thinking of Kyle McLaughlin? Or the Eraserhead guy who's in Blue Velvet? Because that's actually Jack Nance.
Yeah, Wild At Heart. That was... something really weird. BV was as well, but for some reason the pieces just didn't come together as well on Wild.
Ever find an ear in the grass? In the yard? Must be, a thousand years ago. A suburban ear where the cockroaches crawl in.

King Harvest has surely come.
okay. but then who's the dude, upper row, right side, white hair, between rick moranis / mackenzie brother and frank-n-furter?
It certainly looks like David Lynch. I'm trying to figure out who that is in the casket. Is it supposed to be Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks? Because it looks like Michael Jackson. In fact, despite the painting's wonderful weirdness, I'm having trouble guessing its overall theme. Is it a funeral for cult favorites? Alls I know is I'm sure happy to see one of the Baseball Furies from The Warriors lurking in the background, ready to club anyone that gets out of hand (please start with that stupid rabbit from Donnie Darko).
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i assumed that was laura palmer, yeah. both the framed portrait and the body. *shrug*

okay it took some research, but i tracked down the artist. this seems to be the most he had to say about the piece:

so... seems to be a commissioned piece for the "crazy 4 cult" (annual?) event / exhibition. i guess kevin smith persuaded the actors who played these characters to attend for that year (2007). something like that, anyway. i never heard of it before now.

EDIT: the two galleries ("1988," east and west) are on melrose avenue in LA. maybe sleepy knows them...?
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