How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

(brandon looks a lot like jarmusch... was i recall your special challenge, william)
brandon in shaker square has said he's open to the idea of me bringing my karaoke equipment over to his restaurant... provided it's a good idea. he has to evaluate the idea / safety / logistics with partners, i think.

i'm both hopeful and nervous. but... so there.

Hey, that's pretty damn cool! You gonna get money for this gig? Who's going to be the annoying karaoke DJ? Does Brandon want to fly in a former professional annoying DJ from Wisconsin? I don't do coach. Business class or above. It's all in my rider, along with special M&M instructions.
you and your godamn special M&M's... haven't you wrecked enough lives with that shit? I mean... HAVEN'T YOU, MUVVLEFLUFFLE?!


so anyway, yeah... brandon took over "the grotto" restaurant here in shaker square. he had been running a program to rehabilitate convicts upon high-end cooking skills (similar to what my mom did) and then the restaurant space opened up. kismet, i guess?

and yes, it's a beautiful program in a beautiful space, it's just that i don't really care for haute cousine. when it comes to good food, i don't like 'artistic portions' heavy on cream and all those stupid-ass trimmings, okay?!

but you see what i'm saying, right? it's that bill is an idiot and if the karaoke thing at brandon's doesn't work out, it will specifically be his fault.

phew! :)
Here's hoping Adam Sandler isn't in the Hateful Eight.

Of course not... he's busy working on "The Ridiculous 6". For real, I couldn't make that up:

But it will have: Sam Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, & Bruce Dern.

I think he spelled it "Inglourious Basterds" because there was already a movie called "Inglorious Bastards". Why would he would use something that had already been done? Oh, yeah, that's what he does. :whistle:
I've been wondering what the heck happened to the J.J. Abram's "The Stops Along the Way" t.v. project, based on the 1975 last script written by Rod Serling?

The family tells me Nothing!
but you see what i'm saying, right? it's that bill is an idiot and if the karaoke thing at brandon's doesn't work out, it will specifically be his fault.

phew! :)

That is sound reasoning and I fully accept my responsibility in this matter. But I ain't going down alone! Those creepy Shakers have to bear some of the brunt. I mean, really! Making "celibacy for everyone!" a tenet of your religion is more or less slapping an expiration date on it. Myself and my fellow Scientologists think it's the most ridiculous idea we've ever heard of!
I'd complain about the celibacy issue to my legislators,
but they then want a contribution.
That is sound reasoning and I fully accept my responsibility in this matter. But I ain't going down alone! Those creepy Shakers have to bear some of the brunt. I mean, really! Making "celibacy for everyone!" a tenet of your religion is more or less slapping an expiration date on it. Myself and my fellow Scientologists think it's the most ridiculous idea we've ever heard of!
hey, did you see that miscavige's own father is working on a book denouncing the not-so-sweet science? talk about a good reason to get whacked, tortured or financially ruined, father or not. :s

and yeah... i think i finally understand no small part of the reason why tom cruise likes taking pictures with THE LEADER: (pic is just a little too big for forum-use)
hey, did you see that miscavige's own father is working on a book denouncing the not-so-sweet science? ]

LOL! Way to equate boxing with Scientology! Someone's getting sued. I'm hoping pop culture and the 24-hour news cycle will do the job for me and tell me all the highlights of the book when it comes out, because I tend to keep my reading list of "books by people dumb enough to join a cult" pretty short. The reason David Miscavige is in the position he's in now to steal, ruin lives and murder is because his parents joined the goddamn cult to begin with! People shouldn't be allowed to make a buck based on the fact they're morons. Then again, if that were a rule, we'd rob the world of Adam Carolla and Michael Bay movies.
As for that picture, I had no idea Tom and Dave got all gay-married last week! Hello, young lovers!
About Adam Sandler, I guess you aren't waiting to catch his "Pixels" movie?
Something to do with space aliens misinterpreting video games as a declaration of war, and attacking Earth in the guise of Pac Man and Donkey Kong.
LOL! Way to equate boxing with Scientology! Someone's getting sued. I'm hoping pop culture and the 24-hour news cycle will do the job for me and tell me all the highlights of the book when it comes out, because I tend to keep my reading list of "books by people dumb enough to join a cult" pretty short. The reason David Miscavige is in the position he's in now to steal, ruin lives and murder is because his parents joined the goddamn cult to begin with! People shouldn't be allowed to make a buck based on the fact they're morons. Then again, if that were a rule, we'd rob the world of Adam Carolla and Michael Bay movies.
As for that picture, I had no idea Tom and Dave got all gay-married last week! Hello, young lovers!
aw, i don't hold their membership against the first couple waves of scientology recruits. there wasn't nearly the perspective on the cult that we enjoy now, PLUS elrond was very clever at assembling the foundation of scientology from sound and practical principles that he mostly stole from other movements, psychologists, etc.

the increasingly brutal hooks don't come in until you've been genuinely helped in your life, creating the necessary openness and trust.

also, AFAIK cabbage-head's parents had little or nothing to do with him making his big power grab. *shrug*

but anyway, yeah... pretty much every pic of cruise and miss cabbage has them looking incredibly like the cat that ate ten canaries. :D
btw, the new pixar animation inside out sounds like an unusually interesting premise and unusually superb movie for an increasingly stale genre, i.e. 3D animations. this is the first one i'm interested in seeing in theatre in a long time.

i just finished noah, the graphic novel which got the film with russell crow financed. it was real good stuff... surprisingly compelling for being based on an old biblical story. guess now i need to see the movie.

last, i just finished a long wired story about how silk road got busted by the feds. great, fascinating read... and i guess now i need to see deep web, which came out earlier this year.
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Awhile ago, somebody was talkin' bout Blazing Saddles.
Just to show how crazy the biz can be, mind you, I'm an outsider, I remembered Don Megowan the other day. Never met him. He played the sheriff in "The Werewolf" (1956) and was a 6' 7' guy in the mold of the rugged 50's western actors. He was mostly known for t.v., but also played The Creature in "The Creature Walks Among Us", and was seen on the stage with Lilli in "BS".

He also manged several apartments and owned a bar, "Megowan's Clubhouse" about six blocks from here. It was in a triangle corner mini unit next to the laundromat. The Clubhouse closed when he died in '81.
I guess you might say that he "was also in the restaurant trade".
Vikki is his daughter.

Vikki: The movie business IS a difficult business. One moment you have more work than you can handle and the next you are unemployed. Managing the apartments provided free living and a steady income. Later he purchased a condominium and opened a bar and grill for steady income. He loved to cook and was really good at it. His first place, Johnny’s, on Lankershim in North Hollywood, was started in the late ’60s.

CI: Why did he name the place Johnny’s?

Vikki: He took it over and the name was already on the marquee, so he kept it. Then in the mid-70s, after Johnny’s, he opened a much nicer bar and grill, Megowan's Clubhouse, on Webb in North Hollywood. He maintained that place until he passed in 1981. At Megowan's Clubhouse, people were not allowed to swear. Dad printed up a code book with code numbers for different colorful remarks. The idea was to say, "Oh, code 371!" which would mean something like “S.O.B.!” There were even whole sentences with codes. It was actually interesting to see the people carry on entire conversations in code. Both places were always filled with regulars. His specialties that drew people in were his homemade lasagna and hamburgers. He loved people and they loved him.
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...which brings us right over to alan hale, jr!


he was a MIGHTY flatulater, even in his corn-silk days.


he played the legendary "biff baker."


he was right at home in classics such as "batman (1966)."


he was the son of alan hale sr.... almost an identical match when corrected for age.


sadly, he was never heard from again.
He looks like Vic Morrow in the Batman pic.
You mean like maybe a make-up tweak to resemble Morrow, star of ABC's "Combat!"? Maybe a reference to Viet Nam? I don't know.

And Holy BAM! POW! That Jerry guy who lived across from us in Burbank was closely related to Hale. Gilligan's Island was defeated in the ratings by The Monkees which aired opposite Gilligan. I can't say about that first year in '66-'67, but the next year after Gilligan was cancelled, I remember watching t.v. over at Jerry's.
We watched The Monkees and Laugh-In. EDIT: And I remember the family "in the restaurant trade". They Hated The Monkees and Loved Gilligan's Island.

On the other hand, The Monkees was produced by Raybert Productions, and without the money earned or ripped from the boys for that show, we may never have seen Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces, or the rise of Jack Nicholson. I went to school with the son of one of The Monkees associate producers. He was arrogant, and ripped me off as well.
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It was like Everybody must get stoned.
Forget that stuff about Morrow. I read an erroneous review somewhere that he was a sheriff in that episode. Apparently it was a cameo as a Chef/Cook by the name "Gilligan" (uncredited). So until further notice...
well i just randomly discovered this:

The Holy Road, a well-received sequel novel by Michael Blake, the author of both the original Dances with Wolves novel and the movie screenplay, was published in 2001.[22] It picks up eleven years after Dances with Wolves. John Dunbar is still married to Stands with a Fist and they have three children. Stands with a Fist and one of the children are kidnapped by a party of white rangers and Dances with Wolves must mount a rescue mission. As of 2007, Blake was writing a film adaptation, although Kevin Costner was not yet attached to the project.[23] In the end, however, Costner stated he would not take part in this production. Viggo Mortensen has been rumored to be attached to the project, playing Dunbar.[24] As of January 2015, according to IMDb, The Holy Road is a TV mini-series still under development.
beans...... cool ones!
has anybody here seen "barry lyndon" (1975), and what did you think?

i had barely heard about this kubrick film, but i love historical dramas, and this is evidently one of the best... and one of his personal best. altho at the time i understand it got a mixed reception.

it's about an irishman who makes good, or something like that.

OMG, it's soooooooo borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring! Ryan O'Neal never was one of those actors who "jumped off the screen", and that's all well and good... didn't keep him from doing some fine work. But he just can't carry this way-overlong movie on his own shoulders. For me, this always marked the point at which Kubrick got completely and utterly lost in technique (spending too much time and money to film by "natural light", much as they would if there were 35mm cameras in Colonial America) and seemed to lose his ability to tell a great story, something he did effortlessly in earlier films like Paths of Glory, my favorite Kubrick movie and one of the finest indictments against modern warfare. Anyway, I've tried to get through Barry Lyndon about three times over the years. Let me know how you do.
let you know how i do??

now i'm expecting a snoozerino like the english patient... talk about a motivation killer.

i might have to watch "five deadly venoms" just to reset the situation. :s

Yeah Bill. I loved Paths of Glory. It is alive and Vital, except for some understandable studio styling given the era.
But...You do see the pedanticism of Kubrick. I thought that I was the only one.
The pedanticism with the dead center camera and the largely deadpan direction is what killed The Shining for me, though I definitely appreciate the character psychology that is in play. It is understandable, and doesn't scare me. Compare this film with "Straw Dogs".

You know. I have read that Kubrick was an avid home film maker, often showing up at events and ceremonies for friends with his 16 mm camera. And it reminds me of the grand opening of a West L.A. Music Store in '80-'81.
He was there with camera on tripod doing nothing but filming the ongoing view. There were no speeches. No events. It might as well have been a closed circuit camera simply looking on.

A gorgeous Hollywood Blond-type projected a can of Squirt, back when Squirt was a yellow grapefruit soda. Without looking up, she entered the room, nudged her arm in my direction, and then, with a pregnant pause and a deliberate motion, dumped the can of Squirt straight upside-down in the nearby ashtray. But Stanley was gone by then, and I didn't even talk to her.
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