How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

let you know how i do??

now i'm expecting a snoozerino like the english patient... talk about a motivation killer.

i might have to watch "five deadly venoms" just to reset the situation. :s

FUCK... YEAH! There's more excitement in that still picture than all six hours of Barry Lyndon. Mind you, I didn't think The English Patient was quite as boring as others do (I love me some Ralph Fiennes and I actually felt bad about dozing off). So if someone who kinda liked EP thinks BL is boring... then don't be operating any heavy machinery if you're going to watch it!
Arne, I can't even say I'm that big a fan of The Shining. Even as a 14-year-old it was hard to hide the fact that the movie didn't really have a soul. I remember being scared shitless by the spectacle at the time I was watching it. It was on reflection that it quickly lost its spell. Because of the movie's reputation and its R-rating, my opinion of my opening-night viewing was pretty important to the other kids in the neighborhood. Of course my review started with a blow-by-blow account of Jack and the naked woman/naked corpse scene. After hitting some more of the gruesome highlights I had to give my final verdict: "You know, the book was better." HA! I was already a stuck-up book nerd at 14!
Anyways, The Entity with Barbara Hershey was scarier than The Shining. And that movie was better than the book. And they didn't make poor ol' Scatman Cruthers get axed for some 70 takes.
Oh, yeah... spoiler alert. Scatman Crothers gets axed.
70 takes? Jeez. I told the family to use 71 edits for the shower scene back in '60.
no matter. we'll always have hong kong phooey.


in any case, "scary" seems like a pretty bungling way to describe the shining on the critics' part. it's more of a hybrid film IMO... psychological, for lack of better verbiage.
I never have figured out why someone would put Squirt in their mouth. It is named after, and looks like, jizz. All cloudy white with sea monkeys floatin' around in it. If it walks like a duck...
I think you have to add the shot of vodka to it.
i just started watching "mr. robot," about a reclusive but paradoxically socially-sharp young guy... sort of like benedict cumberbatch's portrayal of "sherlock." he's a cyber-engineer by day and whitehat hacker by night whose 'heroics' get him noticed by some kind of shadowy new world order.

i'm not looking forward to the conspiracy theory part, but so far the other stuff is quite compelling. with the advent of things like silk road, the deep web, and ever more malicious hacking across the globe, this is a very timely story to tell IMO.


in other news i just read that four award-winning scifi novels will be turned in to TV series:

"Childhood's End" - Arthur C. Clarke
"The Expanse" - James S. A. Corey
"Gateway" - Frederik Pohl
"Hyperion" - Dan Simmons

Oh, yeah... Mr. Robot will hack the back door... into your heart! I came to the show because of the lead actor who plays the nutjob hacker. He did a fine job playing a nutjob marine in The Pacific miniseries. I'm a good handful of episodes ahead of you but then I sort of hit a brick wall. Not really the show's fault, it's just that it can be hard for me to watch a show that seems relentlessly downbeat. Used to be able to do it. I can't imagine how I'd get through The Sopranos if it debuted today. I will say this for Mr. Robot; it will leave you uttering a sentence that you never thought you'd say: "Hey, there's a good series on the USA Network!" I guess now we'll see if the SciFi channel (I refuse to spell it like a retarded six-year-old as they so desperately want) can get people to utter the same sentence about them for the first time since Battlestar Galactica went off the air. Taking into account their bland and pointless take on "12 Monkeys", I see a tough row to hoe ahead for the Sighf-Eye channel. Hey, that doesn't mean I can't make up my own "retarded six-year-old" spelling!
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yeah it's a slippery slope. you fall for that one, next thing you know you'll be running around shouting "GRRL power!" and shit like that.

but i'm glad you know the series, bill! and knowing your take on it, it will be fun to see if i last... and if i don't... what will be the reason.

i gotta admit that i am much in accord with elliot's intelligently cynical take on civilisation, so maybe that will sustain me. but yeah i don't think i'd be able to last if the show is depressing in a way that isn't interesting to me. same reason i can't watch so many of the dramas on TV today, like all the crime shows and stuff.
I wondered about that too, but I'm guessing the Sci-Fi Channel changed their spelling so that people could find The Channel in search results instead of a mountain of "Sci-Fi results". It's like that old single by the group, "The Merry-Go-Round". You just can't find the song "Live" on the Net.
If that truly was their reasoning, then they're dumber than I thought they were. Guess what... they are! I did a search for SciFi. Posted below are the not-so-surprising results.
I think they just wanted people to know that their channel is now made for idiots, proven by their reliance on those shit movies they make. I don't care how many sharks you throw into a tornado, camp done on purpose is rarely as successful as camp stumbled on by accident. As an example of accident-camp, see the Batman TV series. For a viewing of the purposeful-camp corpse, see the Batman TV series after they ran it into the ground.
There are just some things you can't un-see, no matter how hard you try. Adam West's Batusi has to rate right up there with "parents having sex".
wait, what... so you actually enjoyed watching your parents do the deed? waa... waa, WHAT!?


no wait, sorry! you were actually saying that you greatly enjoyed one of my favorite batman moments as well? ah, gillaume... that's very kind of you. :)

but seriously... what about the one where he has to carry a lit bomb across half the city, and even when he gets to the waterfront, somehow he can't even dispose of it there...?
Yeah. SyFy is really stupid when they change their spelling to improve search results and then pay for preferential treatment for searches for "Sci-Fi".

And Batman an accidental camp show??? No Way! Those men knew they were wearing tights in the city.
I would disagree with that attempt at Monday-morning quarterbacking and point to the fact that he bought a bunch of Batman comics. This was Silver-Age Batman and they didn't have to stray far from the source material for that first season. Those were some pretty wacky comics that, frankly, make the show look like it was done by Chris Nolan. Nah, it didn't become truly self-aware until it became a pop-culture phenom
Not quarterbacking sir. Sir? It's like "What's Up Tiger Lilly?". You see, I happen to know something about the tights. Can't prove it though...

They probably soft pedaled the camp at first to make it last longer, and because they didn't want to offend the faithful. Please see "Warhol" for details.
Whoops! Sorry arne! I didn't mean to pick you for quarterback, I meant the guy in the article who claimed the show was supposed to be a whacky whacksadoodle from the get-go. I mean, it's true to a certain extent but the thing is, they didn't have go too far from the source material of the time... those were some really awful comics. The only faithful I could think they would have offended is those who might have a foggy memory of The Dark Knight from the first five or six years of Batsy's run at DC, back when Bill Finger was running the joint. That was some relatively dark matter. Once the Comic Code killed the industry the Batman line became little more than issue after issue of Batusi.
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Oh yeah... I should also mention that I'm really splitting hairs on this whole "camp" thing and I should probably look into getting a hobby. I hear this "virtual" pinball thing is really taking off... might look into it.
Man, that is awful purty! Seriously grand! And quite camp.

Roller Disco. Roller Boogie. 4-corner standard or 4-wheel in-line blades?
In-Line blades were/are just a fad and had a much smaller era of popularity. Roller skates date back much further, there popularity lasted much longer and are easier to use/master by all accounts. Also as one that did roller skate for several years in my youth I can attest to that. I doubt you can or would attempt half the tricks with in-line skates that you can do with roller skates, doing a power slide with in-line skates would seem like asking for injury.
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