How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Ah Veronica, well I do have flashbacks of that Archie era and did watch the TV cartoons..

Was and have always been a fan of anything animated, though yes I'd hit on Veronica rather then Betty, rich brunette beats dumb blonde everytime for me. :)

* Well I mentioned the TV show for ya Rubes so we're 66.6667% good or there abouts!
Ruby. Do you mean The Net ate your reply? I always tell myself to compose long statements in Notepad and then copy/paste it, to avoid such disappearing acts of technology. But then I forget to.

And Ike. One of the most pathetic courses in school was Spanish. It was mandatory to study a second language in junior high. We had a choice of three languages. Either Spanish, German, or French. I was living in Los Angeles, so French and German were useless (except for watching Sexy Foreign Films!). But then, so was the Spanish course. An example of my accuiired accemen:

"Hola Paco! que tal? Como estas?"

"Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez, Diez a Uno..."

"Mi Nombre" "Mi Casa"

"Como se llama?"

"Chocolate! Chocolate!
Batte! Batte Chocolate!"

Anything else I learned from the signage on the street. Lavendaria. Hoy!.
And Pendejo!

And Pelicula from watching Telemundo.

Eh. El Mucho Cinema!

Am I going to have to screw myself?
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wow i had totally forgotten about that shot. great stuff. i see there's some cool side-links too, like "making of goodfellas special" and "cast reunites after 25 years."

yeah i think we talked about the new archie once before. i read an issue at some point and it's definitely more interesting than the pulp archie.

today i just finished another really good graphic novel arc on rome. this one is a 'what if' about caesar's and cleopatra's son not being murdered when marc anthony was defeated, and later being part of a coup to assassinate augustus. it's got a lot of twists and turns and whodunnit aspects.

if interested you can read it here translated in to english. here's a sample pic:

sounds similar to cosmic trigger. whoops, i gotta get back to reading that. :s

yeah same here. spanish, french or german, starting in 5th or 6th grade. maybe the biggest problem for me is that i need exposure and immersion more than rote learning, which is why the rosetta stone concept is good for me, as well as lunching at senor tequilas a few times a week. another problem is that the spanish-speaking world is large, and you wind up learning multiple words for the same thing, like...

durazno or melocoton... "peach."

temperado or estacion... "season."

if possible i think it's better to figure out which type of castellano you want to learn (mexican / c. america / spain / s. america) and then get as specific as possible through your training aids and material. only a portion of the systems let you differentiate, tho.
Hey, the art on that Rome comic ain't bad at all! The cover's really awesome! I just don't understand why they can't do it in American, the way comics are meant to be written. I mean, seriously, quo vadis?
sleepy, I usually use Google Docs. They have a great font called Special Elite that looks like the 1950s typewriter I used throughout my youth. It makes writing 38% more fun!

Steve, just because I posted a picture of Veronica doesn't mean I'm not "team Betty". Although Veronica was a really good keyboard player. I couldn't help notice that the first Goodreads review for Supernature suggested reading the book stoned. That's a check-mark in the plus-column for me!
bill, the american audience seems to be much more in to action, pyrotechnics and maudlin drama, so that drives the talent and money in those directions.

there is of course a small indie comics scene, but it's rarely about superheroes and stuff. moreso about the man in the street's struggles with ambition, relationships, general angst and just bizarre life events. the pacing has come a long way from the days of say, harvey pekar. in fact they have taken a lot of the concepts from euro comics and have created a rather distinctive american take. i can find you some choice picks... if you would like to know more.

EDIT: oh wait, i remember you liked ghost world, the film.
that's where it came from... the american indie comics / graphic novel scene.

btw there's also two other excellent series on rome if you want the info. one is about the life of young nero, one is about... uh, a sort of ben-hur relationship between a germanic warrior and a roman patrician / commander. it's also about the lives of gladiators IIRC.


(my favorite panel from "alix senator")
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Just an ignorant observation though is that a chicken or a rooster wearing a hoodie, no really that's what I'm seeing it's not this or that and mostly meaningless or is this an invite for me to post manga?
it's a rooster mask. a group of conspirators at that point were hiding their identities from each other.

i liked the image tho because it looks like a demented chicken saying he's concerned about madmen.

post whatever you like of course.
Watched SPY, yesterday and really liked it, it does have many real LOL moments and surprised me with how well it was put together as I wasn't really expecting it to be that great, so I'm giving it a solid 8. If you need a bit of a belly laugh to cheer you up I recommend you give it a viewing.
Yo Ike, the various forms become the inspiration for studying Latin. Or some basis of origin.
@Steve... I've got the movie but I haven't watched it yet. Is it really two hours long? Because that's way too long for a comedy!

I can't help but notice there's a certain "rooster" theme to your posts, Nic! You know, I actually am interested in knowing what "the kids" are reading these days in the world of alternative comics. I used to read Eight Ball back in the day (as well as the occasional Yummy Fur) and have kind of lost touch over the last decade or so.

EDIT: Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I discussed a movie with Steve, Nic and I chatted about books and then I included a clip from a TV show. I am a "thread-topic" god! Feel free to leave tokens of your worship and adoration (no checks!).
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re: SPY,
that looks quite good based on the trailers!

side note: i don't think i've seen an aussie film since that one about two girls who seduce a radio personality. that's from the late 90's / early aughts i think...? "whale rider" doesn't count because it's a kiwi film, or at least that's an easy source of pissing you aussies off, i've observed. to mix up the two lands and all.

point is, a question-- what would you recommend as a top film from oz in recent years?

i think i got you. not to mention, i understand there were various forms of latin ranging from slave-tongues to palace-speak and everything in-between. combined with regional differences... as in latin from as far west as the british isles to latin ranging as far east as, what...? past turkey?

then you have LATER pronunciation standards turning a name correctly pronounced as "YOOL-yuss KIE-sir" in to "JEW-le-us SEE-sir." (julius caesar) and THEN you combine all that with roughly 1500yrs of variance. yeah... good luck luck with that, mofo.

and yet and YET we still have only two major words for "peach."
WTF is up with that? godammit, there should be a dozen, at least.

"i like big COCKS and i cannot lie,
you other suckers not so fly.
when a big COCK wanders in to my purview,
i bend over and present the rear view."
-sir mixalot

but yeah, i didn't know you had read eightball and yummy fur (best way to read the bible apart from the brick testament!). that's cool. now did you read any of "hate" by bagge, "love and rockets" by the hernandez bros, or other of those classics?

am i trying to corrupt you to my cause? of course i am.

also, dude-- how about you STFU with your ingenious and hilarious take upon the thread-title changing? "ooh ooh! I colluded with steve to redirect the thread topic in criminal ways," followed by "ooh ooh! francis, do something, do something!"

see... what i was actually angling for in this thread was to work in a pic of herman munster with one of the most blissfully depraved specimens in all of hollyrock. (that's joe e. ross)

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side note: i don't think i've seen an aussie film since that one about two girls who seduce a radio personality. that's from the late 90's / early aughts i think...? "whale rider" doesn't count because it's a kiwi film, or at least that's an easy source of pissing you aussies off, i've observed. to mix up the two lands and all.

point is, a question-- what would you recommend as a top film from oz in recent years?

i just read this article titled "How The Hell Did They Screw Up The Muppets So Badly?" and decided to give episode 1 of the new show a shot..

it's definitely a jarring departure from the old show. this one is much more like "the larry sanders show" with all the behind-the-scenes squabbling and awkwardness. not to mention, gone are the cute songs and the SNL-type skits.

maybe over time i'll get used to it and it will seem less weird. i guess it's better to be a younger viewer who has no prior muppets experience.
They're permanently closing Big Thunder Ranch and shutting down The Disneyland Raiload and much of Frontierland for a year to build "Star Wars Land". 14 acres.
Construction begins on my birthday. Jan 10.

And the Harry Potter Village up on the hill at Universal Hollywood will be open by Summer. They tore down the Gibson Amphitheater, formerly known as The Universal Amphitheater, to make room for it.
i hope they know what they're doing. i haven't been there since around 1975, so i can't speak to the issue.

happy future bday, arne.
Oh yea! If I survive it.
wow... letterman looks pretty different now that his show finished.

He's...he's channeling Colbert!
i guess it's been a good couple years for sci-fi movies.

apparently "gravity" and "the martian" are both top films for their respective years.

i can't ever remember the last time i saw an off-earth sc-fi film. maybe solaris. maybe not.
You make the most money in Hollyweird by creating the gear that is in constant use by every production in the world. Digital cameras, sound and editing, digital projectors, CGI workstations and software, Dolby Digital/DTS, Steadycam, The Stewart Movie Screen, The Teleprompter, etc. But most people don't get a piece of that action. Not without stealing it.
There is perhaps more money in creating a common everyday item that most people use, and with a strong replacement cycle without compromising quality to do so.
Like the Trim Nail Clipper, a popular brand of toilet paper, an Egg McMuffin, or a Honey Nut Cheerios. But again, you have to be extremely lucky and spot on or very tasty in an era before these things ever existed.

And then you probably need to be born into a family of privilege and wealth with strong ties to media, industry and politics, though that sort may likely take advantage of you as well as everybody else. I think half the actresses in Hollywood were raped by their stage mothers in order to be groomed for chutzpah and ended up as teen sluts before making their big break. Don't ask about what they do to the boys who are gifted, or about the blood on the floor. There are reasons for the existence of books such as, "Day of the Locusts", "East of Eden", "Slaughterhouse 5" and, "The Grapes of Wrath". And the films, "Phantom of the Paradise" and "The Man Who Fell to Earth" (Uncle Buck again). "Phantom" was a warning shot to someone whom they then did it to.
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well i was moreso running with the famous idea of "i'm going to make it in hollywood!" in conjunction with how ppl really CAN make it in hollyweird.

surely you know what i'm talking about.

in any case, your industry angles seem exactly right to me, but then again that's industry... the products are being produced far from the locale... merely sold there, right?
Nope. Not often. In spite of "careful distancing", most films are still Hollyweird. Some of my married-in folks are the original Warner Bros. Their first studio was about 45 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa. before moving to Burbank. And they were still cranking out indie films such as, "Carnival of Souls" and "The Brain that Wouldn't Die". And several Italian productions which are credited to Fellini.
And for lack of any other reason, this is because the studios still control theatrical distribution. In fact, I am confident when I say that there has never been a true indie film before YouTube.
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I am reminded of something said that was repeated by several "Disconnected persons who did not know one another". It was, "You cannot get an acting job in Hollywood without being a member of SAG (The Screen Actor's Guild), and you cannot become a member of SAG without having acted in a motion picture. This is a Catch-22 condition which illuminates the fact that Hollywood is a closed shop by appointment. And it was also a very odd thing to comment on to a Cleft Palate with a severe speech impediment who had Zero intention of acting. And that the comment was pro-offered as personal advice to me.

It also sounds a lot like "Fight Club Rules".
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