How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

I am a little pissed off at them atm. I am not allowed to order decent home deliveries from It seems that the Safeway / Vons grocery chain is owned by studio money. Jack Lemmon or somebody started that.

Lately I've been losing my eyesight to ammonium poisoning and am unable to get out much. So I order needed food from them. The truck arrives with all of the identifying insignias plastered on it, and then somebody like Sam Smith knocks on the door and delivers Chocolate Milk laced with ammonia, Fig Newtons baked with ammonia, Ball Park Beef Franks made with mutton and something added which causes the dog to explode and twist upon heating. And I can't even trust the Purina Complete cat food. The cats have been throwing up on it.

I use the milk as an antidote for their previous ammonia poisonings, partly caused by uremia from severe sleep deprivations which they have engineered,

I figure that this crap is coming from the local studio prop department, but they have a pass for driving the vons supermarket truck. I just wanted to get this little plug out there, and for sure, I won't be buying from them again. It's not the first time they've pulled this.

EDIT: Several months ago, the delivery was made by Seal, facial birthmarks, British accent and all. But that was a good delivery. They're back to pushing troubles again.
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Nope. Not often. In spite of "careful distancing", most films are still Hollyweird. Some of my married-in folks are the original Warner Bros. Their first studio was about 45 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa. before moving to Burbank. And they were still cranking out indie films such as, "Carnival of Souls" and "The Brain that Wouldn't Die". And several Italian productions which are credited to Fellini.
And for lack of any other reason, this is because the studios still control theatrical distribution. In fact, I am confident when I say that there has never been a true indie film before YouTube.
boy, your mind wanders on a dime, sleepy.

i was responding to your comments about the specialised gear. it's obviously not being manufactured in hollywood. co-designed perhaps... a different story.

my point is that for those trying to make it in hollywood, it is likely far more practical to learn a unionised movie trade than to try to wait tables or something and hope for your big acting break. the chart provided many examples of how this can be so.

your segues are entertaining as always, of course.

so are you also getting ammonium poisoning due to your gold production and stuff?

Hail, Caesar! - Official Trailer (HD)

so the coens are coming out with a new movie. looks sort of like a cecil b. demille production meets characteristic coen misadventure.

right on theme for another hollywood story.
No, the ammonium is not native to the sands, and I never use it. Funny though, I used to have great tolerance for it though. Just not in the body as an ingested substance, obviously.
So the summer movie season ends not with a bang, but with more of a shrug, now that AntMan is struggling towards its home release. A great big "meh." Some of the effects are good, Paul Rudd plays Paul Rudd, it would have been better if the role of the villain had been played by an actor instead of a giant roll-on deodorant. It'd be a fine "one-and-done" flick. But, of course, that won't happen.
Meh? or Heh.....

Look at it this way; bad movies mean more home TV viewing. And, who/m to the rescue but CBS who brings us not CSI V (Cyber is IV) or NCIS IV , but.....SUPERGIRL!! Every time one of those Kryptonite overdosers takes to the air, I hold another wake for universal physics. At least The Matrix got it right by making sure we knew that anything totally impossible was just part of a computer program, and the participant had merely to keep that in mind so he could sink deeply into the crust of the earth and rebound without any complaints.....

I forget; did Keanu utter his obligatory "Whoa!" in that film?
grand-superbah gregg, do you remember this one--

In spite of all the danger
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me


bill thinks the strolling bones were a better group
but you know what i think about bill, right?


anyway, re: topic--
it sounds like "spectre" has one of the most kickass james bond-openings ever, yet needs to do half a billion in revenue in order to break even.

holy flarfingill, batwang-- that's like... the cost of TWO "friends" episodes back-to-back, hey?

LOL! Man, if there is a sign that a trend has run its course and has run out of gas, it's when CBS climbs onboard! Oddly enough, though, Supergirl on "the station your grandparents watch" is still better than Gotham on Fox or the "is American Idol really still on the air?" network.
Don't get me wrong... Daniel Craig is still my favorite Bond, but none of the flicks that followed Casino Royale quite have the spark that first one did. You know, an actual plot that underlies the whole movie. It seems to have fallen back in that comfortable Bondian territory of action-sequence/action-sequence/hot-chick/action-sequence oh, here's a little bit of story. It makes those two Friends episodes look pretty good (the monkey's gonna be in 'em, right? He's my favorite Friend).
Some Movies I've seen of late..

Fantastic 4, now despite this flick getting rather bad ratings I found it to be rather enjoyable and the whole underlying strory very plausible and well executed. I'd say almost an 8 out of ten, at least 7.5.

Minnions, now this was very disappointing, the premise of the story was reasonable though it's execution and elements seemed to be just randomly thrown together. In fact the whole thing I gather was a marketing exercise to sell more minnions to kids. Really it could have been so much better and should have been I'd rate it a 4 at best.
Whoa! You know that Casino Royale first appeared in 1954 as a "Climax!" teleplay on CBS? My grandparents may have watched it, but I spent that year sleeping in a crib, trying to make sense out of milk from bottles. Barry Nelson played Bond. Peter Lorre played Le Chiffre.
I think he's currently starring as Donald Trump.
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i'd like to see a movie about a superhero team called "the flatulent four."

any poor soul stuck riding in an enclosed vehicle with the four would obviously have a wretched experience. a recurring joke might be that of passengers constantly trying to sneak open windows, doors... or simply drilling airholes on the sly.

mister flatulent, leader of the group, is regularly confounded by the whole situation:


i can't understand it. even when we take our oldest and most trusted associates on a mission, an unseen villain manages to mind-control them in to saboteurs. even with my state-of-the-art, anti-psionic field, the evil-doer still manages to succeed.

but why... WHY do they only strike when we're travelling, and not when we're in far more vulnerable positions?

by god, johnny almost drowned when thor ripped our $200 million submarine in half last month. and i still don't understand his words-- "it reeketh!" (obviously mind control, since the sub smelled the same as always)

i've simply GOT to figure this out...
Whoa! You know that Casino Royale first appeared in 1954 as a "Climax!" teleplay on CBS? My grandparents may have watched it, but I spent that year sleeping in a crib, trying to make sense out of milk from bottles. Barry Nelson played Bond. Peter Lorre played Le Chiffre.
I think he's currently starring as Donald Trump.
man, i tried to watch that the other day but the years have been brutal to that thing... assuming it was any good, anyway. compare that to doctor no for example, which still has a lot of ultra-cool early 60's class.

so bill, you thought daniel craig's casino royale was the best of his movies? that's the only i've actually seen. the chemistry between he and the female lead (eva green?) was so scorching that i've been reluctant to risk taking a step down.

my only quibble with that film was the ridiculously implausible poker showdown, as well as the vicarious pain of watching bond getting his balls smashed, sitting in that torture chair. but yeah, really nice bond film... especially with so many of the primary characters re-imagined.
as well as the vicarious pain of watching bond getting his balls smashed, sitting in that torture chair. but yeah, really nice bond film... especially with so many of the primary characters re-imagined.

That, actually is a scene from the book... words not often heard in relation to James Bond movies. I went through a pretty wicked Ian Fleming stage at about 12-13 years old... especially since the whole series was available in paperback at the used book store for about a dime each! My favorite is The Spy Who Loved Me... absolutely nothing like the movie. I kinda thought the new FF flick had a bit of that "submarine odor" myself, but I'm not much of a Marvel fan.
As part of the War for Self-Improvement, I've been trying to lean a little more on the "artsy" and less on the "fartsy". That's how I came to watch this movie about a French girl having a crappy summer. Because it's a French film, nothing really happens, but it's shot beautifully.
sounds like a nice film. i haven't been in a 'french phase' for awhile, but i'm looking forward to riding yon pony again.

yikes... casino royale was one of those i didn't read. i did read a few of them some years back and thought they were cracking good reads.
Mirisch tried like hell to butcher Casino Royale, but couldn't help getting a few things right; a very large man (Orson Welles) cast as Le Chiffre, and a short view of the (unoccupied) wicker chair with the paddle and solenoid in view, if I recall correctly. The knotted doggy toy was a nice menacing touch for the more fit Mads Mikkelsen, while Welles' version of Fleming's bad boy was content to inflict torture by pressing a button.....probably while savoring a wine that cost more than Bond's Aston Martin (oh, wait---that's Welles in real life. Never mind).

Bond's four months or so recovering seemed about right, although the actual ball-busting went on quite a while longer, to the point where the victim looked forward to the next blow (so said Fleming). Given a similar opportunity, I would decline.

Shakin' Knott's turd
That desire is a "wake me up when you're done" issue.
Nah.....that's a quip from Elvira in "Scared Stiff"
Well I think most of us who have been mercilessly kicked in the crotch have whispered the same sentiments.
I've never been able to make it all the way through the original CR... a problem I had with a lot of early Bond movies. I think part of it was I watching them on ABC TV as a kid and there were a lot of commercials. Those movies felt three hours long. Plus, the original CR had the extra added burden of being a joke that long overstayed its welcome.
By the by, 1950s James Bond has been taken out of the mothballs in a book by Anthony Horowitz and something they found in Ian Fleming’s trash. Myself, I think 1950s James Bond should probably stay there. Nowadays, I think a guy who can tell the year and vintner of champagne just by drinking it probably needs to be slapped in the nuts a couple of times. Jeffery Deaver did a not-horrible reboot, writing a couple books that brought James kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Trigger Mortis LP: With Original Material by Ian Fleming (James Bond) (9780062416902): Anthony Horowitz: Books
youtube brings up this version of the barry nelson CR:

side note-- i'm pretty sure there's a higher quality version, which i had just watched. i couldn't find it just now, tho.

but let's say it and not spray it-- either way, that stuff was ridiculously awkward.

especially just as patrick mcgoohan started to kill it across the pond as "secret asian man!"
I watched CS (1967) twice when it was out, but that was only for the Dali Lavi scene and the Woody Allen climax. Else, I didn't watch the movie. I was there to enjoy the musical score.

I didn't care for the film, but in hindsight, it probably works best for those who read the novel. The Le Chiffre/Tremble torture scene for instance. In other words, as Tremble is being tormented by Le Chiffre's femmes (LeChiffre's nut crushing in the book and 2006 version), Tremble finds himself compared to the likes of Peter O'Toole in a kilt tooting a bagpipe.
but let's say it and not spray it-- either way, that stuff was ridiculously awkward.

All I've ever seen of it was a clip that was part of a documentary on Peter Lorre. The CR Prime footage was included in the "sad, declining years" part. I would rather remember him as Ugarte in Casablanca. Young, healthy, greasy, shot while trying to escape. Or he hung himself in his cell. I don't think they ever decided. SPOILER ALERT: Peter Lorre dies in Casablanca.
Some folks lament the lack of Peter Lorre-types. The last great one of that type that I've seen is "Hector" from "Scarface", but unfortunately, the actor who played him passed away many years ago.
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