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Weasel words, really now, what is that quip, sorry, it's nothing but an insult to your own intellect, sad that you feel the need to back up your unsubstantiated prose with such.

As for MMA and direct knowledge of it, you stake some kind of claim that you know directly more then I?

Really are you a trainer, a rep, a whatever it maybe that is more informed then someone like me that is exposed to it on the screens at my local near on every other day and can google?

I'd suggest we are in the same boat and luck has nought to do with it.
no dude, incorrect--

yes dude-- for sure i get the repeated impression that i know more about MMA than you do. maybe that's not so surprising given that i started with wrestling and karate when i was a teenager, have always retained an interest in the science, and have been following the MMA scene daily for the last 6-7 years.

by comparison, do i claim to know more about anime, golf and superhero movies than you do? of course not. i'm the novice there, and i wouldn't waste anyone else's time trying to blow smoke up their ass about that.
I think the both of you are forgetting the fact that it's fun to watch people beat each other up. Look, does being an MMA pro more or less guarantee that you're gonna suffer from some sort of brain damage? Fuck, yes, it does! Whether it's a teaspoon or tablespoon, brain damage is drain bamage (oh, yeah... almost forgot that includes marijuana use, too). The thing is, if you decide to be a boxing or mma star and don't think you're gonna get brain damage when the point of the whole circle-jerk is to knock out your opponent, then the chances are that you're already there. That's a little different than the case in American (read "real") football, where most of the players have had pads and helmets strapped on them at the age of 10 and told that they'd be perfectly safe. There's a strong stench of Ancient Rome when a multi-billion dollar organization like the National Football League can casually toss off $10 million to a kid raised poor and undereducated like you or I would leave a tip at a restaurant and then watch... and cheer!... as that kid turns his brain to jello over the ensuing years. No doubt about it... they call 'em as they see 'em in the colosseum.

in fact there are many ways to win an MMA match, and some of the most successful stars rarely knock anyone out. of course the UFC is a little different because the maniac in charge does indeed aim for maximum carnage. if you win but fight boring, then dana white will eventually usher your ass out.

also, maybe i'm just the black sheep of MMA fandom, but i don't particularly enjoy watching people beat each other up. but navigating a confrontation is different. we all have to know how to do that. whether it's diplomacy, baring your fangs, turning the other cheek, putting someone in a finishing hold, or... yes... KTFO someone, it all comes with the territory.

to me, MMA is a close approximation of what you might encounter in a weaponless fight. that's the point, that's why i follow it, and that's why it bailed me out last year.

MMA has also changed a lot since the beginning. i think a lot of people still think it's an "anything goes" thing, but there are actually a lot of rules to follow and a lot of ways to get disqualified. those are compromises that had to be made, tho. you can't have professional fighters gouging each others eyes out, smashing their larynxes or crushing the family jewels.

But here's the thing, nic... as long as it's still legal in the sport of your choice to punch someone in the face, then someone's gonna end up with brain damage. Or if that sport allows knocking out your opponent as a legal and accepted way of winning a match (which would really make tennis actually fun to watch!). Hell, the NFL has lots of nifty rules, too! Don't grab the facemask, you might hurt someone's head! But go ahead and ram them into the turf with the force of a Volkswagen Beetle moving about 20 miles per hour and let their noggin bounce around in the brain bucket. That's perfectly fine.
At the same time, that's why it's hard to have a real problem with people participating in beat 'em ups. The dangers are pretty clearly on display from the get-go, rather than hidden like a poisonous little prize in the NFL box of Cracker Jacks.
There is an easy way to solve the problem; all the passengers on Spaceship Earth could decide that we've evolved enough that inflicting physical damage on each other for sport sounds about as barbaric as paying to watch people inflicting physical damage on each other for sport and let's call the whole thing off. Yeah, that will happen any day now. And then we can all beam up to the USS Enterprise 1701-D and enjoy a round of golf on the holodeck with Steve. Because that was the first Enterprise with a holodeck. Nerdgasm!
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yeah bill, i'm not contesting that there's going to be some drain bamage amongst the professionals. of course there is.

but MMA is more than just professional contests. MMA is now the most scientific, efficient way to defend yourself with the possibility of causing the least amount of harm to another person, which is generally pretty important from a legal POV.

outside of lethal techniques, MMA is also a good way to cause the most amount of damage... say if you're fighting for your life.

i also don't have much problem with people who are honest about liking bloodsport for what it is. i certainly don't expect others to share my valuation of MMA.
As someone who's been a long-time observer of the MMA field, dating back to at least June, I am going to have to call bullshit. And you know why? Because no one sings that everybody was MMA fighting!

Ah ha..wax on/wax off..

Well my self defence has always been effective, with early training in athletics, gymnastics and soccer, I can kick with both legs just as effectively and I currently cycle at least 100kms a week.

It's called walk away, if that don't work, runaway and if neither option is available a swift kick to the groin is usually all it takes.

You would have be damn fast and strong to grab onto one of my leg kicks. Then there is the direct punch to the throat, which is usually not expected and far more incapacitating then any blow to the head.
i'll be kind.

let's move on.

Before we do that, I'd like to address the fact that Steve's form of self-defense seems completely reactionary. While I do believe that execution is important in matters of self-defense, one must also take planning into account. That is why I never leave the house without both a "Duck Season" sign and a "Rabbit Season" sign. I am prepared for any eventuality.

Elmer season.jpg

Well.. well, fuck! Didn't see that one coming.
Anyhoo, whilst looking up that "brain pudding" video on Frontline, I noticed that they have a crapload of Frontline documentaries available for viewing! There is the problem that most of the topics covered are probably of interest only to "America... fuck yeah!" But I watched the first part of "From Jesus to Christ" last night (which can be found waaaayyyyy at the bottom of the list) and it was pretty good. There is the problem that the older shows can't go full-screen... oh, and the PBS app apparently doesn't work on IOS 9 devices... so, uh, forget I said anything. Wabbit season!
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Thanks, Steve... I would like to check that out! I'm already a fan of Rake. But I will say this... if I see the words "Alan Carr Chatty Man", that app's outa there!


"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older and they stay the same age."
- David "Woody" Wooderson, Dazed and Confused -
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I remember that one! I found some of it to be a little too sticky and gooey, but Bill's performance really made it worthwhile!
I watched the pilot and, you know, it wasn't too bad. First off, I watched the whole thing, which is about 40 minutes longer than that sucktastic 12 Monkeys ripoff series on the Science Fiction Network. While the book's I Ching gobbledygook was a little over my head, I'm glad they left it in the series, rather than strip it down to just another stupid shoot 'em up. And I know all you Angel fans (which would be... me) are glad to see Alexa Davalos back in action. I'm going to say that it's a different character, since she's not electrocuting every one she touches in Castle.
i-ching is on the level of the tarot, rune-casting, and maybe one or other thangs i can't remember right now. (my mother did tea-leaves but i don't know shizzle about tea-leaves)

bill, honestly i suck at i-ching, but if you want to try it then i'll give it a go.

do you have a question, you kansas DJ dude now habitating with michael feldman?

(this should be good nevermind where it runs off to)
Nah, I think I'm good. I threw the I Ching yesterday, said there might be some thunder at the well. That's always been one of my favorite Dylan lyrics. :)
phew... i didn't really want to, anyway!
i mean, i have apps for the tarot and runes, but not for the i-ching. but maybe one day jonpurplehaze can bring this place up to speed and rename it "" :)

btw i've never heard of "angel" before, although i have seen clips of "archer." (could cupid be the connection?)

i remember you recommending mad men to me. more fool me, i still haven't checked that out yet. so much to catch up on...
that's a pretty funny site and cool idea for a play. i like improvisation a lot and think it's underutilised in today's productions.
Fortunately criminals in this country do not often risk shooting or even carrying weapons, if they can possibly avoid doing so.
Yeah, right! What country was that? ...and who has running boards now?

(It is a fun read, though)
Once I hit the "nose grab", I realized that this was an example of TTS, a martial arts discipline that makes MMA look like a Sunday school picnic. TTS, of course, stands for The Three Stooges. You gotta get that hand up fast to keep Moe from poking your eyes out.
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