How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

btw i've never heard of "angel" before, although i have seen clips of "archer." (could cupid be the connection?)

Love, exciting and newwww! Angel is the not-quite-as-good spinoff from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Alexis looked awful purty in her tight, red rubber suit (because her character conducted electricity, not because she was giving enemas to rich Japanese businessmen).

You gotta get in on that Mad Men thing! The show's already wrapped! I don't think it's a spoiler to say I was disappointed that the series didn't end with Jon Hamm's character becoming DB Cooper. That would have been perfect. Meanwhile, one of the less-likable characters, Pete Campbell (played by Vincent Kartheiser who played Angel's son on Angel... gotta keep that karma wheel spinning!) ends up moving to Wichita, Ks. Many of my friends and I thought that was a fitting ending for him.

Meanwhile, I already pissed through all of Jessica Jones on Netflix. It was... okay, I guess. Didn't like it as much as Daredevil. One thing both shows had in common were great actors playing villains. Vincent D'onofrio as the Kingpin and David Tenant as Kilgrave on Jessica. He was so good he almost made me want to watch some Doctor Who! Almost.
okay, thanks for breaking it all down, gillaume.

i will keep mad-men in mind for a rainy day. oh, and i already know that jimmy james (the man so nice, they named him twice) is the one who became DB cooper!

yeah, i tried watching the reboot of doctor who sometime back, but couldn't really get in to it even with the upgrade of tech and style and all that. maybe my original penance was sufficient-- i think i watched most of the shows from the first four doctors back in the day. i thought blakes seven was actually the far more interesting series, altho i digress.

btw, a buddy around here also saw most of "mr. robot" and felt it got too weird and twisted at a certain point, so i'm letting myself off the hook on that series.
looks like there will only be one new sherlock episode / movie this january, but for a change of pace, this time it will be set in victorian england.


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Oh watt?...that's right, the saying goes...

Speak softly and carry a big stick..though I say 2 sticks and a shield!


i just saw tonight's colossal fuck-up at the miss universe pagaent, and it reminded me of the old "$1.98 beauty pagaent."

hey, bill-- once you get tired of ernest, i have an idea for you!

Good ol' Rip Taylor! He made me a lifelong Spike Jones fan! I think he was on Last Week with John Oliver a few months back. That's right... the Ripper's still alive! And I think he might be gay.
i finally saw the new star wars movie. i have lots of quibbles, but can respect that they did a solid job on it. a stone has only so much blood in it, i suppose.

incidentally, the other day i think i stumbled upon a big part of what made the original star wars so fun. namely, george lucas had a co-creator that gave him hell for his terrible ideas, and added a lot of the iconic touches to "a new hope."

if this article is even remotely accurate, marcia has obviously been HUGELY underestimated and underutilised by fans and the industry across the years.
As for heart, I think I prefer The Twilight Zone episode about the robot baseball pitcher.

His current wife still looks like Marcie. Am I in trouble for saying That?
Okay, you sonsabitches! We got 10 days and I'm going to be moving fast, so keep up!

In the Heart of the Ocean: sucked!

Spotlight: ehh... not bad

The Revenant: Why are you sitting here reading this? Go to the theater and see it! Now!

The Hateful Eight: not bad... but I'd still pay $1000 to kick Quentin Tarantino in the nads

Creed: A lot better than you think it would be

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: has that come out yet?

Stay tuned for further instructions
OH wow... this clip is some serious competition for "coming to alderaan!"

Oh my god, how did I miss that? That's hilarious! It may be better than the Vader sessions, where they put in dialogue from James Earl Jones in other movies.

Coming 2 alderaan, bill
The Hateful Eight: not bad... but I'd still pay $1000 to kick Quentin Tarantino in the nads
I hear he pays $1000 for getting kicked in the nads....
Is this the thread where I yabbered on about The Godfather, a Novel for Television, recut chronologically with extra goodies? We'll say it is. And it's back. Three nights of watching and I've made a pit-stop at the 5 1/2 hour mark. Only an hour and a half to go!
yes, ah did reads about that dat da uzzer day. yes ah dids!

be sure to give your thumbnail review on that... it's been many decades since i saw the first two films.
so i've been reading this glorious thread the past few days while groaning away on the couch. best thread i've read in years.

even though i barely watch reality shows, i find this all pretty fascinating for some reason. too many interesting comments for me to bother pasting in here, but in a nutshell, the most interesting thing overall is that the shows run the gamut from being completely scripted to being surprisingly real, and it's not always obvious which are which.

"survivor," still going strong apparently, was one of the ones which were relatively WYSIWYG. my own guilty pleasure, "pawn stars," is kind of a mixture. they even have a TV studio mocked up to look like the shop... i guess for when they're in hollywood or something. the word on "storage wars" is that the lots were already bought up by the producers and then seeded with both valuable stuff and weird crap before the bidders come along. and on and on and on...


man... i feel like sybil fawlty lying in bed, reading her favorite romance novel and plowing her way through a huge box of bonbons!
That Godfather marathon. So, does Michael come out of the head with nothing but his dick in his hand? Or not? Did HBO fix it? Or is it still "Son of a Buck Time"?
'Cause if it is, then I ain't going there. I can catch the deleted scenes on YouTube.

At that rate, I'd rather watch "The Pawnbroker".
Anyone seen Bridge of Spies?

Long-winded drivel at best ..... good cure for insomnia though :D
LOL! I'd agree with that, Elton! But Spielberg makes very pretty long-winded drivel. I didn't think it was ever going to end!

arne, HBO don't do "Yippe-ki-yay Mister Falcon!" As dirty as it wants to be. I'm gonna say that this probably isn't my preferred way to watch the Godfather movies. The Michael part of part II becomes a turgid sludge without DeNiro's young Vito to balance it out. But when it was originally aired in... '79, '80?... during all those Thorn Birds and Shoguns, The Godfather Novel for Television was the best damn miniseries on the air! Well... Roots was good, too.
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LOL! I'll pass on that thread, nic! Two words: Bar Rescue. I think it's on Spike, but it's been my favorite ever since Gordon Ramsay had to stop Kitchen Nightmares because he's a TV nightmare, from what I hear. But, hey, Australia's getting the reruns. But yeah... Bar Rescue... that's fine reality swill!
For those with Netflix there's Under Arrest... or Canadian Cops. There's no bullshit like on the American Cops like "when daddy spanked me I knew I wanted to be a police officer." Nah. it's down and dirty crazies... and in Canada, of all places! I think Elton and Steve owe to themselves to watch it and keep up with their North American cousins in that ancient old broad's Empire.
Speaking of which, that ancient old broad's gonna be the focus of her very own Netflix series! It all takes place back when she was much younger and played by someone much prettier, when she was getting married to poor old Phil. It's Game of Thrones without the boobies... or the dragons... or the funny midget. In other words, it's gonna suck. Plus, at this rate, we're gonna have to wait 20 seasons to get to the Princess Di years.
Yeah, I'm still waiting for something to happens with Bridge of Spies .... geeze, if was extended to hell and back. At the very least shoot both of the buggers on the bridge ;)

As for TV I watch very little. Make that very, very little. Too many freaking adverts and shit. Cannot be doing with that.

If there is a series like Boardwalk Empire that catches my attention I'll record it and whip through the advert breaks ... but even that series started to bore me.

Prefer a good book of puzzles :)
I can't even bother with t.v. Like you, elton.
The locals brow-beat me with their future show biz plans until I avoid them at all costs.
When I was a little boy, one year old, 'my poor family' managed a t.v. set in the home in 1955.
That fact alone is very telling. T.V.s weren't cheap then. And my old man only claimed 'to be earning 75 cents an hour, and paying rent on top of that.

Now, I took one look at "Sky King", a show about a rich hero battling crooks from his airplane, and "Mighty Mouse" with "Heckle and Jeckle" (on CBS Saturday Mornings in '55; for the kids who could afford a t.v. @ $500+ on wages of 75 cents an hour) and I didn't care for t.v. at all. I was poor watching actors get rich, else filling my head with their troubles. I was in the country with a back yard. So what my folks did was, they robbed my sleep and then "rewarded me" with "some sleep" for paying attention to the t.v., but they did it in a manner that I never knew they were doing it.

So, when I realized the fact that they brainwashed me to watch their shit, I became really disinterested in t.v. Just like it was in the good ol' days of Heckle and Jeckle.
elton... you're in the UK!!

you're supposed to have an eclectic word for "puzzles," like...... um, "puzzies?!"

even in spanish we have the ridiculous phrase "rompe-cabezas," i.e. head-breakers.
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