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As soon as you wrote "Hector" from Scarface I immediately came to the revelation that my favorite Peter Lorre working today is Luis Guzman. Not only is he in 80% of the entertainment that's been made over the last 20 years, he's pretty damn good at playing character parts.
when i think of peter lorre, i picture the bad guy with the venomous snake from "what's up tiger lily?" of course he was doing lorre as igor, dr. frankenstein's assistant. that's some frank caliendo territory right there.

hmm, i never saw the '67 version of CR. but... sounds like no harm done.
well it wasn't a TV show, but a televised sporting event. and it wasn't just any event, but one of the greatest upsets i've seen in sports.

specifically it was holly holm (the 34yo multiple-time boxing champ who switched over very late to MMA) knocking out ronda rousey (the 28yo medal-winning judo player who had been crushing every opponent in MMA for years).

...still can't believe what i saw last night. it was the world turned upside down. and not anything flukey, but a very methodical destruction in which the boxer used the judo player's own force and emotions against her. totally backwards, man.


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this is the end, my friend...


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MMA has actually been very useful to me. learning some of the principles helped me fight off those two guys last year and has given me a little more physical confidence than i used to have.

MMA is also a lot more scientific and practical than stuff you might see in movies or learn in most martial arts schools... most of which is fraudulent / scammy in nature.
Ah ha you see what you did there, made me take of my shirt! I've had a few ales been a hot day here and this 52 year old knows little fear or is ever accosted. :rockon:


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haha maybe your town is just a little bit safer than philly or NYC!

looks like you've got some pretty big forearms, tho. i pretty much have t-rex arms, myself. yet another reason for me to learn MMA principles.
haha maybe your town is just a little bit safer than philly or NYC!

looks like you've got some pretty big forearms, tho. i pretty much have t-rex arms, myself. yet another reason for me to learn MMA principles.

I also have some serious reach, standing my finger tips are over half way to my knees and the old reflexes are still sharp, the beer gut is just middle age spread.

That said I'm generally not out after dark and yes this tourist town no doubt does not have to deal with the riff raff for long before they are bought to justice or evicted by us locals, yes there is a real community here, never a day goes by when I'm not acknowledged as a local, also there is one highway into town and only a few ways out.
it's amazing how comparable reach is to height. i measured myself just now, and my wingspan is indeed slightly longer than my height of 5'8." feel free to have a go and measure your own-- all it needs is a wall, a pencil, and a tape measure.

OTOH this wingspan-to-height ratio wasn't too impressive for basketball. not compared to someone like...

Kevin McHale was one of the best basketball players of the 1980’s. Along with Larry Bird and Robert Parish, McHale formed the most dominant front line in NBA history. In his own right McHale was one of the league’s great. Charles Barkley has been quoted saying McHale was the best player he ever played against. McHale stood 6’10 and was reported to have a colossal wingspan that stretched to 8’0. That would have been a 17% increase on his height. One report claims McHale could tie his shoes without having to bend over. McHale is known as one of the best post players in NBA history due to his great footwork and arsenal of moves. Former NBA coach Hubie Brown had this to say about McHale: “He was totally unstoppable because of his quickness, diversification of moves and the long arms that gave him an angle to release the ball over a taller man or more explosive jumper.†Kevin McHale has gone down as one of the 50 best NBA players of all time, and is probably the best example in NBA history of how length can be used to dominate on both ends of the court.


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Reach dunno, I have amazed friends by grabbing their nose between my fingers whilst they could not touch me, that I'd say is the real test, that matters. Mind you I'd go lower myself, my cycling legs are three times as thick and strong, not going to go the king hit to the head though I would sweep most off their feet or just kick them in the jewels, yes I did play soccer and can use both legs equally, always amuses me how these so called professional players are so one legged?

Though then again I do actually do physical labour every day, all be it underpaid and only half days, only transport is my bicycle, balanced by to much booze and a less then ideal diet.
okay, get back to me when you find a pencil, a wall, and a tape measure.
Eh I'm not getting back to you this is a forum for all and really if my honest prose is not enough for you then to bad so sad..Ah HA!

45°, huh? ohboy.

sounds like i would have to fly over with a pencil and tape measure and personally demonstrate how the procedure is undertaken. that's assuming we could find one of those always-elusive walls in the country of australia.

yeah i agree, let's not hold our breaths on this wild goose chase. i need that airplane fare for other things!
Let's hear it for HD television! Thanks to that wonderful invention you could see the look in Ronda's eyes at the exact moment when she realized everything was going south for her. You could also see the look that said "Mommy, what time is Sunday school?" That was one grade-A ass kicking.
WTF you saw the actual fight, bill??

i thought everyone here had a pinball machine for a GF?

you crazy mofo, you.
LOL! Of course I did... I'm a fucking renaissance man! Every now and again I try to grab a UFC fight. I've become a big fan of Rousey Night, and this one was certainly no letdown... but for much different reasons than the other two I caught!
You know things can only go downhill from here....

On a totally different subject that "is unrelated to fighting",
Bill wins. "Cookie" says verse two was about Warren Beatty,
but that the song is about three different men.
Quite a joke if you think about it, and with Jagger singing backup.
Resent flicks watched...Antman, now this was rather well done indeed better then I thought possible, though sorry ants maybe controlled though they just are not puppy dogs..

Ted 2, better then any Cheech 'n' Chong, though still lacking, did not engage me for the most part, some moments, though mostly I had to really wait for those moments of entertainment.

LOL! Of course I did... I'm a fucking renaissance man! Every now and again I try to grab a UFC fight. I've become a big fan of Rousey Night, and this one was certainly no letdown... but for much different reasons than the other two I caught!
do you follow anyone else besides rousey?

i'm still kind of in shock from saturday night... altho in a good way. that probably was the biggest upset i've ever seen in sports.
Wonder how much they will enjoy their retirement when they will most likely be brain dead vegetables before then...
Wonder how much they will enjoy their retirement when they will most likely be brain dead vegetables before then...
that's a generalisation, meaning sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not.

the very first champion (royce gracie from 1993) is probably perfectly fine because he used an extremely grappling-oriented style to fight. guys who are brawlers / strikers are the ones most at risk of dementia and all that.

for better or worse, boxing and american football are probably far riskier for brain health than MMA. in MMA the violence tends to get spread across the body a lot more.
That's a lot of generalisations in that answer Ike, 1st champion is 'probably' fine?

Yes I also think boxing and american football are rather stupid 'sports', also where are your links to research and statistics, to back up your generalisations and innuendo?

Lets just google that sentence of yours...

for better or worse, boxing and american football are probably far riskier for brain health than MMA

It would seem that many doctors do not agree with your synopsis, also given that MMA is a still relatively young 'sport', those statistics are not in for the most part.

Frankly I'd rather go and watch the girls in bikinis mud or jello wrestling. A far more entertaining 'sport'....:D
That's a lot of generalisations in that answer Ike, 1st champion is 'probably' fine?
actually he probably does have some brain trauma, particularly from later fights in which his style began to serve him less and less handily.

yes, everyone who competes in MMA probably has a certain degree of brain damage no matter what their style. the variations can be huge, however.

some guys (just like certain football players) are probably a wreck by their mid-40's. other guys, like royce's dad helio, can make it in to their mid-90's and still be sharp and aware. that's why i said that fighting style can make such a huge difference.

Yes I also think boxing and american football are rather stupid 'sports', also where are your links to research and statistics, to back up your generalisations and innuendo?

Lets just google that sentence of yours...

for better or worse, boxing and american football are probably far riskier for brain health than MMA

It would seem that many doctors do not agree with your synopsis, also given that MMA is a still relatively young 'sport', those statistics are not in for the most part.
i'm not trying to develop a doctoral thesis for you here, steve.

'some doctors don't agree with me' is just weasel words. if you want to debate a specific research paper or opinion piece that tries to tie all the research together, that's a different matter. but yeah-- for sure there is a lot of research still to be done, especially since modern MMA is still a young sport.

what's apparent is that you have a dislike for MMA, don't have much direct knowledge about it, but know how to use google. which is fine. maybe you can find some people in the same boat to argue with, so good luck with that.
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