Gregg, I think what you wrote proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that CBS is not cool!The Cool Kid trophy goes, I think, to CBS. Little tag-team matches like Cannon and the Barnaby Jones spinoff, Jag and its NCIS spinoff (thirteen years plus two additional current series) CSI (fifteen years, concurrent with ten for David Caruso's Miami and nine for Gary Senise's New York)---and don't discount Magnum P.I. and Simon & Simon, which ran for eight seasons each---and of course, Person Of Interest (wink wink, nudge, nudge).
Actually, I think the Prairie Home Companions are all reruns now... I think. I know Garrison said he was going to retire. Fortunately, he kept The Writer's Almanac going. Damn, I listened to this about every day for 15 years on my way to work! Prairie Home Companion has never failed to bore the crap out of me.
it really is. also, i'm curious about how it differed across the decades, since i only started listening full-time around the early aughts. i hope those older tapes can be digitised or something.I was a big WDYK fan during its '90s heyday. I even had one weird out-of-body experience driving around Wichita and listening to the episode that was being broadcast live from Wichita's own Century II auditorium! (I probably would have gotten tickets for it if I really thought I would have been awake at 9AM on a Saturday morning. It was a freak occurrence). I haven't listened to the show since Jim passed on. It just wouldn't be the same. 34 years is an amazingly healthy run!
btw, the space shuttle challenger did not explode. that part is incorrect.
no conspiracy THIS TIME, coily...Is that another "Mandela Effect "? That freaky shit pile is getting pretty deep ..
haha, that's a good line. then again, i'm highly partial to the word "monkey." :DLet the monkey go and blame the monkey wrench.
There is no true form for a Star Trek movie, no single blueprint that can explain the architecture of the best adventures of the Enterprise. I hope that this column series is, in some ways, argument against the modern strain of enjoyment that demands all our branded content fall into some prefabricated cinematic style and narrative strategy: that strain of thinking that praises the karaoke achievements of Star Wars 7 and Jurassic Park 4, the sanctimonious originalism that hails superhero movies for doing something “right†instead of doing something new, the sell-out intellectualism that didn’t get furious just now reading the phrase “branded content.â€
What is a Star Trek movie? In the last few weeks, we have watched a dreamy lithium brain burp about consciousness and pajamas, a whimsical comedy about humanity’s unsteady relationship with the natural world, and a testosteronic action farce about whether God exists...
and soon afterward a neighbor (and connoisseur of Thai food and Appalachian Mountain Music) who thought I needed some 'exposure' to banjo and fiddle. In neither case did I see the point, having been corrupted by guitar, keyboards, and properly wrestled brass-crafted reed instruments.....
dang, i'd enjoy having a neighbor like that. it's true they do play some of that stuff on the prairie dog show, but unfortunately plenty of the host covering various songs himself. after 35 years or whatever, he never did get the memo that he's a pretty lousy singer....and soon afterward a neighbor (and connoisseur of Thai food and Appalachian Mountain Music) who thought I needed some 'exposure' to banjo and fiddle.
There are conspiracies afoot conspiracy THIS TIME, coily...
the various modules of CHALLENGER ruptured themselves at altitude due to a failed O-ring (or some tech shit i don't precisely understand). there never was an "explosion," altho yes it did RESEMBLE an explosion for media purposes.
the crew were actually ALIVE when their module slammed in to the ocean's surface. some of them were concussed and unconscious at the time, but others, not so much.
it was roughly on par with grissom - white - chaffee.
that's bad. :/
and that's why it's generally mislabeled as an explosion... because that's exactly what it looks like, at least to lay people. but you can get the technical details from the WP entry.Though I'd say it was a engineering o ring failure, none the less I'd be none to surprised if that seconds after such a failure, with a high octane fuel leak, an explosion did occur...certainly looks that way from most footage.
a month+ ago on reddit, i subscribed to /madison, /wisconsin and maybe /monona or something. my plan was to listen in on the wailing of the greek chorus and join my tears with the rest.