How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

feldman was actually on PRI, so i guess that would be the place for me. i'm pretty much over my angst, though. i mean, so many great archived shows to listen to, as long as i can DL them in time.

the prairie dog show is actually continuing with a new host, so it will be interesting to see how the it changes. i'm sure it won't satisfy the purists, but i suspect it could be a substantial improvement... assuming they want to bring it in to the 21st century.
Just watched the animated movie...

Batman: The Killing Joke

It was just rather average and got to say worst punch-line ever!
I'll just assume they did a pointless cartoon version of one of my favorite graphic novels and go on from there. I'm sure Alan Moore agrees with me.
frank miller batman!!

then again, it seemed to me that the movies tried to recreate every little panel from the strip, especially with the sin city stories.

what about the doctor strange movie coming out? can you blokes get used to sherlock holmes in the role of steven strange...?!
Oh-kay, class:

Today's history lesson takes the form of a 112-minute documentary about one George Westinghouse, Jr and the companies, inventions, and patents that do and did bear his name.....

Lots of fun coverage of his interactions with Thomas Alva Edison and Nikola Tesla.

Lee Van; maybe a nice change from my POI recaps.....

Lee Van; maybe a nice change from my POI recaps.....
i think that in a better world, both lee van and cleef can live together in keyboard harmony.
The world may indeed be improving; one Kaily Russell at a 'Save Person Of Interest' petition website says the show is telecast over there (Turkey).....
The world may indeed be improving; one Kaily Russell at a 'Save Person Of Interest' petition website says the show is telecast over there (Turkey).....
oh stop BS-ing us now, gregory.

well, dang... were these things thick as a brick, or were they thick as a brick!?

Yes times change, amazing to think these days you can have several days worth of video on USB stick costing about as much as a takeaway meal...Then again that may perhaps not be strictly speaking legal as video is not released on USB sticks is it, eh, still every flat screen TV has a USB port which readily read decode and play such?
Yes times change, amazing to think these days you can have several days worth of video on USB stick costing about as much as a takeaway meal...Then again that may perhaps not be strictly speaking legal as video is not released on USB sticks is it, eh, still every flat screen TV has a USB port which readily read decode and play such?
i don't have a TV anymore, but i really love that feature.

yeah it definitely is amazing, thinking back to when i was younger... spending huge amounts of my free income on records, tapes and comic books... making sure i watched or listened to my favorite shows at just the right time of day... painstakingly compiling shows on VHS and cassette.

but one thing i never worried too much about was the quality of media product. then again, all the variety seemed a little bit like over-marketing to me.
The family's first VCR was a basic Samsung 2-head unit, and it ate every Scotch cassette we put into it---but only the Scotch. Bought a lot of VHS with the brand Kodak (cheap, I'll bet) and TDK (not so cheap, plus their own bit of insane variety), but why couldn't 3M make tapes that wouldn't go saw-toothed?

Anyway, Star Trek The Next Generation looked and sounded the same no matter what was used. Favorites: Elementary, Dear Data and sequel Ship In A Bottle; Times Arrow 2-parter with Jerry Hardin as Mark Twain (I could go on for days.....)
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Sony had the shittiest cassette tapes on the market. Surprising, because their VHS tapes were really good! Or, not so surprising. I figured they were the one electronic company that actually invented a video tape to play on their Betamax, so they'd know what they were doing.
Maxells really were the best. It's been about six years since I had a working cassette player but, when I did, my 20-year-old Maxells sounded much better than they had a right to.
The last episode is one of the best series finales ever. Way better than MASH, Cheers, Mary Tyler Moore and Seinfeld put together.
But not Newhart. Sorry, Jean-Luc.
But not Newhart. Sorry, Jean-Luc.
nothing i'm aware comes close to topping newhart's finale. that ending was so brilliant that even when i rewatch it i don't dare to laugh, lest i miss a single drop of the creamy deliciousness. btw, did you see that "breaking bad" did a fine tribute ending where they flashed back to "malcolm in the middle," with hal and loise in bed?

i found seinfeld's ending kind of underwhelming, really. nice concept on paper, but somehow it came off as trying way too hard. but i'd add blackadder to the list. despite being a historical comedy, it had one of the more moving finales, with all but one major character going 'over the top' in a WWI assault between trenches, all getting gunned down together. also, deadwood probably would have had a killer ending if HBO had ever let them know when exactly the show would be ending.

STTNG? some of my favorites are "remember me," "silicon avatar," the courtroom drama eps and the klingon-arc eps.

since you liked the holmes episodes, have you checked out other holmes stuff, like the robert downey jr movie, the modern day "sherlock," or those classic granada eps with jeremy brett as holmes?
AH lust long and live proper?

Spock the tribble! :D


  • live long and prosper.jpg
    live long and prosper.jpg
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so i was eating pollo con salsa de queso at the cantina today, and bonanza was on the boob tube.

i liked seeing baby-faced michael landon and reasonably-young lorne michaels from back in the day, then i noticed a young actress in the episode...


that girl was FINEEEE....... not just in looks, but character, charm, humility, etc.

so my question-- how the *fluff* did STTNG screw up her role so badly? she and wesley crusher might as well be clinging to life raft in shark-infested seas, you know? those two, plus the ridiculous blond perm-job that rick berman / brandon braga created on her head.
nothing i'm aware comes close to topping newhart's finale. that ending was so brilliant that even when i rewatch it i don't dare to laugh, lest i miss a single drop of the creamy deliciousness. btw, did you see that "breaking bad" did a fine tribute ending where they flashed back to "malcolm in the middle," with hal and loise in bed?
Didn't see many Newharts, but I did see the finale long after the fact, and I guess I agree (Susanne's a babe, and that didn't hurt). Never got into Seinfeld or Malcolm, and haven't seen Blackadder, but did rent Deadwood eventually (xxxxsuckers everywhere!)

Ike Savage said:
since you liked the holmes episodes, have you checked out other holmes stuff...?
I grew up satutated by the Basil-Nigel movies, and subsequently don't get excited about more Holmes work, but CBS TV is nice and convenient, so I've caught all of Jonny Lee Miller's current show, and may have stumbled onto Benedict's once or twice

AH lust long and live proper?
Spock the tribble! :D live long and prosper.jpg
AH, indeed! I see you've met the new Yeoman Rand, Steve---I didn't know Leopard came in blue.....


so my question-- how the *fluff* did STTNG screw up her role so badly?
How do you mean? You liked Miranda better than Dr Pulaski twenty-some years later?

As finales go, I thought Voyager did a good job with 'Endgame", and the spread three-parter "Future's End 1 & 2"/"Relativity" was spite of changing the actor playing timecop Capt. Braxton.
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Oh, I must have wandered into an episode of the Twilight Zone as I don't understand a word of these posts ...... sign of getting old I figure ;)
Oh, I must have wandered into an episode of the Twilight Zone as I don't understand a word of these posts ...... sign of getting old I figure ;)
elton, i think maybe you're just WELSHING on us, eh? like... raise your arm if you don't remember the time captain kirk was innocently riding a passenger plane on the twilight zone show, and then THIS happened:


You're correct Ike ..... who is Captain Kirk and who are you again?

Damn this ageing. :) lol
^ so i take it that toy story has run its course of sequels :p ^
A big shout-out to the fine folks who came up with "the Challenger crew is still alive" conspiracy theory. They win today's "Crazier Than a Shithouse Rat" internet award!
not to beat this one to death, and i'm not sure if this came up before, but apparently one (or more) of the NASA engineers understood about the problem before it happened, but were blown off by the higher-ups.

The guy who warned that the o-rings would fail.


Allan McDonald (edit: several people below have also said Roger Boisjoly). As if that story couldn't get worse, he actually thought the rockets would explode on the pad, so when the shuttle cleared the tower, he had to have felt some brief relief.


He gives a lecture each year to the engineering students at my university about the o-rings. It's pretty obvious that it still eats away at him.
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