How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

So many classic 60's sci-fi series I missed... :-/

According the the description, this is a test of Runway Gen-2 which is a multimodal AI system that can generate novel videos with text, images or video clips. It looks too good to be true though. It looks like before too much longer we will be watching movies that are totally AI generated.
According the the description, this is a test of Runway Gen-2 which is a multimodal AI system that can generate novel videos with text, images or video clips. It looks too good to be true though. It looks like before too much longer we will be watching movies that are totally AI generated.
Good catch.
I'm always trawling YT, looking for new stuff, and this popped out of the corner of my eye. The pretty babes didn't hurt either, haha.

I wasn't really trying to fool anyone with this, but to observe what you just stated in so many words.

For many decades now I've been seeing good-looking movies directed & produced mostly for the sake of making bank. Altho the implications of AI are certainly a bit scary at times, I'd nevertheless like to see what a really good movie-maker can do with all these new fancy tools, as an alternative to that.

Kinda reminds me of Richard Linklater's stuff.
There's a guy (much like Ralph Bakshi) who turned technology on its head to produce some amazing new stuff, but who could also crush it as a movie director at the best of times.

Star Trek/Star Wars cross over, fascinating? :barneystab:


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Star Trek/Star Wars cross over, fascinating? :barneystab:
You ever notice that Yodas face looks exactly like E.T.?
There are other Spielberg movies that use the same design.
Suspiciously looks like Gremlin after they drink water also.
The Escape from Gilligan's Island, the skipper gets a new ship! oO

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Not sure how I missed this one, the best dystopian movie I have seen for some time, highly recommended.

Whatever Happened to Monday...

I just watched "What Happened to Monday". Good show. Sci-Fi movies are my favorite.
Sometimes just the trailer is more than enough. :yikes:

Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space​

Like a lot of people, I'm curious what ET life looks like across the universe, and maybe even across our own galaxy. For example, is it possible that crab-like species have evolved in environments that look almost nothing like Earth? Perhaps one with little or no water?

A video I enjoyed recently is one in which a scientist tackled the issue of whether civilisation arose right here on Earth prior to us! Me, I've always kind of rubbished those theories because we already seem to have an adequate record (and predictive models) of the lineage and progression of life on Earth going back ~3.7B yrs.

But this guy raises some interesting counterarguments that make me doubt myself a little bit more. Probably the #1 factor is that evidently due to the Earth's crust completely 'rolling under and bubbling back up' over time, almost all traces of what existed on land prior to that gets scrubbed every 500M yrs or so. That would take us back around the dawn of the Paleozoic, where the record of things indeed gets particularly sketchy IIRC.

Now I tend to remain doubtful myself, but I like these kinds of thought experiments because IMO they can help us better-frame the question of life across the cosmos.
oops! not a movie, but it's been taking up most of my viewing time these days. namely: M*A*S*H. i really can't think of a better series i've seen, although fawlty towers comes pretty close. anyway, what really needs to be said about M*A*S*H? i'm through the first two seasons, and here are my favorite eps from S01 and S02. they can be watched here--

tuttle: the story of the greatest officer in 4077th history... a man who never existed.


as you were: frank's hernia needs an immediate operation, and only two individuals can save him.

I can still hear Henry's voice - He was the best OD (Officer of the Day) that we ever had!
Who wet the bed? Tuttle...
He had no self control at all....

I saw "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" last night. The critics were luke warm on it. I loved it even though the music on it was only fair.
I saw "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" last night. The critics were luke warm on it. I loved it even though the music on it was only fair.
I would say most of the critics probably were not even born yet, when Godzilla movies first started coming out.
So they have no clue as to the history of these "Monsters".
Most movies that the critics say were bad, I usually end up enjoying those quite well.

Damned critics get paid too! lol
About to watch Fallout. Weird as it seems, the most successful game series in history was never on my playlist and me being weird, of course my first "game" install will be the one that seems the underdog of the series: Fallout Tactics, because on a VERY quick skim on the games it looked like Syndicate games from Bullfrog which I loved.

Lets see what the hype is about shall we? It's 8 episodes at about an hour each so this might take a while. Though, just knowing the history I know I'll like it.

On a side note:
I'm pretty sure I have Faulty Towers here (John Cleese at his best) somewhere. M*A*S*H is probably be one of the best series EVER no matter what will come. I had that one too was one of those that was lost on the big HDD crash last year :(

Coupling is also awesome. I have nearly everything from Monty Python (including dutch versions...) on DVD. Black Adder is around here too... I also had Yes Prime Minister (also lost)

Maybe it's time to look at what I have which unfortunately, might actually be corrupted and I don't know and start curating and re-download everything again if needed.
I can still hear Henry's voice - He was the best OD (Officer of the Day) that we ever had!
Who wet the bed? Tuttle...
He had no self control at all....

Glad someone else enjoyed that show, and that ep. (it's personally my favorite)

Hawkeye: [creating Tuttle's service record] Religion?
Trapper: Atheist.
H: I don't believe in atheism. Let's make him a Druid.
H: College?
T: Harvard?
H: No, it can't be at anyplace they'll check.
T: How about "Berlin Polytechnic"?
H: Yeah... Berlinisches Polytechnikum... right after he graduated from Adolf Hitler High.
H: Now something for Hotlips. Height: 6 foot 4. Weight: 195 pounds. Hair: Auburn. Eyes: Hazel...
T: Hawkeye, I think I'm in love!

On a side note:
I'm pretty sure I have Faulty Towers here (John Cleese at his best) somewhere. M*A*S*H is probably be one of the best series EVER no matter what will come. I had that one too was one of those that was lost on the big HDD crash last year :(

Coupling is also awesome. I have nearly everything from Monty Python (including dutch versions...) on DVD. Black Adder is around here too... I also had Yes Prime Minister (also lost)
What ho, a man of taste.

Hey, if you like Fry & Laurie from Blackadder, I can heartily recommend Jeeves & Wooster, starring that same duo. It's set mainly in 20-30's London IIRC. All eps are free to watch on YT at high quality.

Btw, a German buddy of mine has recommended some recent Euro series, but so far I haven't gotten to them yet. Those would be the Danish series Borgen (same theme as Yes Minister), Swedish series The Bridge (crime series), and another Danish series, The Killing (detective series).

I don't think I've ever watched anything from Portugal, though. Not even a "telenovella."
Intermission cartoon...

Weedbot finds its purpose!

Not even a "telenovella."
I hate telenovelas. True "never ending stories". You can watch 1 episode per month and lose nothing in between... much like America soap operas (remember Dallas?) :D
I hate telenovelas. True "never ending stories". You can watch 1 episode per month and lose nothing in between... much like America soap operas (remember Dallas?) :D

Eh, sorry folks for my random aggression, recently.
In fact I'm kinda stressed-up to the nines these days. On top of my usual CFS-ME (which is pretty hellish alone), now added to the usual shit is me evidently losing my eyesight...

Hopefully it's just some passing BS...
I wonder if she can Roller-Skate? :hail:
Funny she had to do the magical twirl to put on the helmet, knee and elbow pads. lol :p\'n\'l:
I had a crush on Lindsay Wagner when I was a kid.
Who is this?
Only the worlds first Bionic Woman!

This video is a special Stereo version made with two different Seasons themes playing at same time.
The right channel is playing Season 1 theme song, and the left channel is playing Season 3 theme song.

I should make a Bionic Woman themed table!
Wonder Woman theme would be great also!
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