How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Sorry, y'all. That was a bit much, lol.
Talk about a bad weekend. That was a dreadful TWO WEEKS of unexpected health shizzle.

So let's do, um... have any of you seen the brilliant Fire & Ice rotoscoped movie, by Ralph Bakshi? In any case, for the moment it's HERE, right on YT:

(sorry, you'll have to manually paste that in at this time)

(Oh rabbits, sorry, that's the MAKING OF!)


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Haha, okay so they DO still have this... one of the greatest sequences I've ever seen in my life, swords & sorcery-style!!

Ooh, ooh,
who, oh WHO, does the 'DarkWolf voice?'

1) hint: he's on Star Trek

2) he's on TOS

3) he's on "Gamesters"

4) he's one of the trainers

NOTE: if you looked that answer up on the "Innernet," then I'll FRY your ass, whoof!
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Boy fumbling around for what to say to girl.
Girl choosing her response respectively, but hintingly "yes?"

Octopus-monster changing up ALLL their carefully-laid plans! D:

Alright, alright (lol)
One might think I'm an obsessive person with all that...!

Then, let's do the poker scene between Paul Newman vs. Robert Shaw, from [The Sting](, 1973:

(did that show up?)
Kimba remastered in 4K for 2024! :clap:

Now this is worthy...

Is this the end of The Simpsons?

At least there is a star studded comedian cast. Looks like most of the current well known comedians are in it.
Will it be any good? Doubtful.
Just look at Land of the Lost remake.
Top comedians in that one, and they ruined it!
How could they make Land of the Lost a comedy? Idiots!
They should remake it without the comedians!

Now this is worthy...

I loved the first one!
So this one looks like a keeper!
Love Sci-Fi!
At least there is a star studded comedian cast. Looks like most of the current well known comedians are in it.

The Simpsons trailer is actually an AI fake. :mrgreen:

South Park...

Spider-Gwen! :spiderman:

The Jokers back... :jester:

The left think they are always correct worldwide, same here in the UK, their way or the highway, is their motto, and
in the next breath they will preach about democracy, hypocrites.
They will also accuse others of causing hate and division , when overall it is them that do that.
Meh, to me it was more like left right...

If you are stupid enough to march to either or any drum that's just sad really... :(
We don't want to follow the footsteps of what Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies did to many users at the request of the Federal Government, that were all on one side of the political spectrum.

If you find someones post offensive, or just don't want to see that type of political rhetoric, we have an "Ignore" button you can use, and you won't see any posts from that person.

Just hover mouse over name and you will see an Ignore button. (As seen in pic.)

Holy shirt, batfang... Matthew really missed an opportunity there to say "Me, sir, I nominate, myself," then jump on the ground and start doing those dang pushups.

Another aspect of Biloxi Blues I loved is the way Christopher Walken used total psychological warfare against would-be badboys, instead of doing the more traditional Full Metal Jacket stuff, or even a Starship Troopers beatdown.

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