How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Just watched Weathering with you...

A most enchanted romance anime, rather well done...

Did I use the term asshole?

If you use no script and uBlock the site I referenced is rendered safe...
i don't need ublock
when you call someone adjectives like delusional and idiot you might as well say "asshole".
nobody really wants to engage in a converse with you or break away because this is what you do.
you can be very harsh and difficult to have a converse with.
are you bi-polar...are you on meds?
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ok, steve, you win, ill lay low.
i spend to much time here anyway.
umm, steve, are you still mad at me??
get over it. how many times did you diss me and i just forgot about it.
stop sulking....
don't take it so hard
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i watched it on tubi
when i look for something i try first.
Wait, wait, wait call me insane, I'm cool with that but...

Forget this Deadpool/Wolverine team up, how about getting a bit more intimate Deadpool/Venom symbiosis, really you just know deep down inside this is what is really needed.


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White Stripes (not them in the above i realise), awesome.
watch the Documentry "The Legends of Laurel Canyon" on PBS if it comes around again.
all the great legends way back rollin' out their hits and hangin' out in Laurel Canyon" in the 60 and 70s.....45:16 secs
sit back and watch this on your flat screen and the audio through your sound system.
see what the music was like, the way everybody dressed, the cars and the way it was back was a different time.
see it here on YT
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Great to see Hellboy back , but to me he will always be Ron Perlman.
Just watching an AI robot inspired movie, seems fun! ;)

there is a really good 70s action movie on for free called thunderbolt and lightfoot.
plutotv is good.....a few commercials about every 15min.....i don't mind...
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got another good flick for ya.
capricorn 1 with james brolin and OJ...1978
there's a problem at launch time so they decide to fake it in a studio but something goes wrong.
you got several choices for free streaming at
In order to protect the reputation of the American space program, a team of NASA administrators turn the first Mars mission into a phony Mars landing. Under threat of harm to their families the astronauts play their part in the deception on a staged set in a deserted military base. But once the real ship returns to Earth and burns up on re-entry, the astronauts become liabilities. Now, with the help of a crusading reporter, they must battle a sinister conspiracy that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden.
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Yeah, seen that a few times, still a gripping movie.
1. the getaway 1972 steve mcqueen and ali robbers on the run...classic movie list
2. a simple plan 1998...another movie about lost $$$.....3 buddies find $5million cash in a crashed airplane in the woods.
some want to spend it....not all agree to wait and see what happens....that money belongs to somebody...they will be
looking for it and they will not be nice about it....
i went looking around for these movies. ...could not find them for free
maybe some of you have a subscription to a movie website. ...use it...

free on
interiors 1978 -- 78% on rotten tomatoes--- it's good but kind of depressing....

free on YT
five easy pieces 1970---- jack nicholson, karen black

free on YT
the great gatsby --original 1974 ---robert redford and mia farrow---3stars-- 2.5hrs
i have not seen the remake with Leo..
this was originally a novel.
tragedy-----gatsby and daisy coming home from a party.
daisy was driving and ran over a woman and kept going.
the husband of the woman came looking for gatsby with a gun because it was gatsby's car that was seen.
daisy is rich, pampered, self-centered, spoiled rotten and feels nothing.
watch and see how daisy is through the movie, especially the last scene at the train station.
everybody is stunned because she acts like nothing happened then goes on her way even after 2 people are dead because of her.

i recommend you use an adblocker in *extensions in chrome or *add-on themes in firefox.
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spookey, did you watch the movies or have you already seen them?
what did you watch or seen?
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spookey, did you watch the movie or have you already seen it?
What movie Thunderbolt with Clint Eastwood I saw it 7 or 8 times the part with pistachio ice cream is funny and when they push the two people out of the car. I saw it a few times also saw Great Gatsby original the remake was awful. Kelly's Heroes was a good 70's movie it had Eastwood in it and the late Donald Sutherland was also in the movie. Don Rickles made me laugh with every role he played wasn't he on Comedy Roast idk maybe.

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