How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Spider-Gwen has a new friend.

He said he would not be back...

Okay, this is getting a bit silly now...

wind river....
real good...i think you will like it.
detectives solve a murder at a mining camp.
a dead male in the camp trailor and a dead young native female 5miles away barefoot in the snow.
what's the connection?
YT preview
****see it on Hoopla, freevee or YT for free here below


you will need to create an account on any of them.
or if you already have sub to netflix there you go....
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And now for a significant, groundbreaking update upon AI technology:

does anybody have anything to say or see the problem with AI?
what about AI taking jobs and putting people out of work?
so, my Q to the corporates that want AI is this..........
if AI takes jobs who will buy your gadgets and widgets??
so, you got what you wanted.
you got your robots that work 24/7, no salary, no coffee breaks, no vacations, no need for health insurance, no 401k, retirement etc.......
maybe have a few trained maintenance technicians on duty to fix or replace when they break down.
most of the main-streamers will be out of work, no money to buy anything...
how does it make sense to put everybody out of work?
we can see what happened to the failed plan of using AI for check-out cash registers.
they are still to dumb to catch theft.
a lot of stores are back-paddleing and saying we want to have a more friendly customer relationship.
it's the theft at the stupid AI checkout.
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does anybody have anything to say or see the problem with AI?
what about AI taking jobs and putting people out of work?
so, my Q to the corporates that want AI is this..........
if AI takes jobs who will buy your gadgets and widgets??
so, you got what you wanted.
you got your robots that work 24/7, no salary, no coffee breaks, no vacations, no need for health insurance, no 401k, retirement etc.......
maybe have a few trained maintenance technicians on duty to fix or replace when they break down.
most of the main-streamers will be out of work, no money to buy anything...
how does it make sense to put everybody out of work?
we can see what happened to the failed plan of using AI for check-out cash registers.
they are still to dumb to catch theft.
a lot of stores are back-paddleing and saying we want to have a more friendly customer relationship.
it's the theft at the stupid AI checkout.

I think AI will enter the world no matter what we think so we may as well embrace it. Even if the USA were to stop implementation of it, other countries would continue development and the USA would be left behind and not able to compete.
I think AI will enter the world no matter what we think so we may as well embrace it. Even if the USA were to stop implementation of it, other countries would continue development and the USA would be left behind and not able to compete.
Umm G,, the US has not been able to compete for decades because a lot of business and jobs left for overseas a long time ago.
business started leaving back in the late 70s and early 80s.
big business got tired of the constant rising cost of doing business in the U.S.
AI will be another nail in the coffin.
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So... I hung over at Cal's place the other day, and we watched Star Trek... something or other?
It was GOOD!!

EDIT: No, I mean, Strange New Worlds, I think it was?

Ugh... that PB-server hiccup seemed to suggest I was briefly Julia Sweeney's PAT, for a moment there.
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this movie is a lot of fun
it's about 2 bikers set out on a road trip.
Easy Rider---diner scene--the man is in the window, the man is in the window -- 4:10
more previews
watch here
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Now for something completely different?

I watched it awhile ago, it's just hilarious! :jester:

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well, where is hk/hentai kamen
its in japanese.
i dont speak japanese.
can i watch it for free without an account with english subs.?
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This is perhaps the most enchanted anime in recent times...

whats so funny steve....alot of those movie websites are full of maleware.
the web is full of infections.
i was kind of warning everybody about DL from websites you don't know

Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.
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Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.


you just did it again with your self-rightious
it's always someone else that is the asshole.
you just did it again.
it's always someone else that is the asshole.

Did I use the term asshole?

If you use no script and uBlock the site I referenced is rendered safe...
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