Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008) ULTIMATE Pro

Stern SS Recreation BAM FP Indiana Jones (Stern, 2008) ULTIMATE Pro v1.06 BAM

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
It was always possible on FP...but not woth it to be honest.

VPX has a Time of Day Option on the table editor that can adjust the Global Lighting based on your clock's time.

I've always kept it disabled myself, as VPX lighting is more "fake" than FP-BAM's New Renderer and lighting. Also... Time of Day doesn't account for the location of your screen. Is it in a dark basement with no outside light? Is it in an arcade with lots of other lighting? It could be noon, yet pitch black in the room you are playing in.

On tables like VPX TOTAN (which is stunning) the lighting is all pre-rendered and baked you don't want to mess with that too much as it will ruin the look of the table.

For Lighting on any FP-BAM table...trying to accommodate everyone's taste in Lighting is not ideal. It's much better to dial in the entire table's lighting for "one" GOOD setting...the inserts...the flashers...the global lighting....the post processing (which everyone seems to miss)...bulbs...image lights... all individually set and changeable with a variable for each to allow a users to change it up if they want. Yes, you can do Presets like George has done as well along those lines. Myself I prefer one single good setting...but still give users the choice to change up the variables for the lights,etc to make it easy for them. If they were really picky about lighting, they would want that anyway.

Halloween PinEvent is a simple example that allows the users to change up that stuff to their liking. There's much more that can be done though.

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It was always possible on FP...but not worth it to be honest.

Still I have seen this asked before and wasn't sure how to convert the Time stamp into a usable format.

I haven't played Back to the Future yet...but for instance you can have events relate to the current time.

If you don't get there by whatever in the current real blow up...or whatever
ahhhhh....Interesting,but every hour?so 24 kinds tonality of light?
Yes that is definitly possible

FonzieExt.Brightness =3 * TimeOfDayFactor
Still I have seen this asked before and wasn't sure how to convert the Time stamp into a usable format.

@Gimli A quick and simple way to identify the "Hour" of the day...

Dim CurrentHour
CurrentHour = Hour(Now)

FYI: I use 'FormatDateTime' functionality to show the current time on the DMD when playing; albeit when testing/messing around with the script ;)
Useful Resource - VBScript Functions
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Love all of the Ultimate tables, simply amazin! Having a problem with Indy. Long long load time, gets to end, cuts a small sound file and then crashes. Short of this machine and getting Pinevent tables to work I am all good! :) Appreciate any advice...Thanks!
Make sure you completely follow my FP and BAM Mega Guide (not just the videos) to properly setup FP and BAM. It matters. Read the FAQ on the bottom of the guide if having problems still with Indy. Be sure your GPU, sound and motherboard drivers are up to date.

Same goes for PinEvent. Follow the guide completely. If having problems, read the FAQ on the bottom of the Pinevent guide and follow the process shown there to narrow down your problems.

You could easily use the time decimal format above as your variable
Ah, but Gimli, they dang-old NEVER believe me when I say that!

Seriously-- it's like bending Carlita's Ear like a megaphone, then getting the sense that the mic was always turned OFF!
Ah, but Gimli, they dang-old NEVER believe me when I say that!

Seriously-- it's like bending Carlita's Ear like a megaphone, then getting the sense that the mic was always turned OFF!
I hadn't realized smoke is working this...see ghostbuster thread
SLAMT1LT submitted a new resource:
Indiana Jones ULTIMATE Pro (Stern, 2008)

EDIT: See resource entry for full game notes. The original notes from the author's site corresponded to a different table.

Read more about this resource...
cant download from slamtilts site, is there a way you can get me the indiana jones (stern) ultimate 1.06 version and maybe if possible the latest ultimate version of the lord of the rings and or ghostbusters? from slam i been away for a while and now im late to the party i gues :(
cant download from slamtilts site, is there a way you can get me the indiana jones (stern) ultimate 1.06 version and maybe if possible the latest ultimate version of the lord of the rings and or ghostbusters? from slam i been away for a while and now im late to the party i gues :(

I have a temporary share link on my FP and BAM Mega Guide that has the Ultimate Pro and Ultimate tables he used to have on his site.

thanks Terry i love me some slamtilt tables <3 had most tables just missed out on a few newer updated ones! this is great until i get retroflare 2 i can play something new to enjoy by one of the best tablebuilders ever :)
I have a temporary share link on my FP and BAM Mega Guide that has the Ultimate Pro and Ultimate tables he used to have on his site.

Where is the link to the tables though, there is only a file attached that only has a guide in it, with some files, but none of the files are tables. Am I just not seeing it?
Where is the link to the tables though, there is only a file attached that only has a guide in it, with some files, but none of the files are tables. Am I just not seeing it?

Read the Mega Guide. In the tables section, you'll see the link.
Where is the link to the tables though, there is only a file attached that only has a guide in it, with some files, but none of the files are tables. Am I just not seeing it?

Hi brienj,

you have to open the zip file and read the Guide. There is a link to a google and mega drive.
Read the Mega Guide. In the tables section, you'll see the link.
OMG, I went up and down the guide a few times and didn't notice that link, sorry, lol

I found it now, thanks.
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