Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997) VP8

VP8 Williams SS Recreation Medieval Madness (Jamin 1-02) update v1.02 Jamin 2020-01-28

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Solid State Machines


Pinball Nudger
Nov 17, 2005
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I've done a minor update to my version of Medieval Madness and its available in the Download section. I recall someone having an issue where a ball would jump off the Damsel ramp well that happened to me last night a couple of times and I wasn't aware of that problem, so hopefully that issue is fixed. I also ended up changing a few other things.

-Dragon image redone
-Backwall image redone
-Altered the flipper settings to the standard used (the other tables I do in the future will use these settings as well)
-Graphic bug on 2-wire ramps sorted out (they were black on top... I had to Draw In Back on them for some reason)
-Changed the plunger into a saucer seeing as the plunger is an autoplunge
Thanks Jamin for fixing the bugs, and once again, a very nice MM.
Good stuff Jamin. It's great to see you take bug reports into account. It's especially amazing that you decided to change the flipper settings even though the original ones were clearly your personal preference. Thanks for thinking about the average guy who doesn't know how to make their own slight modifications.

This version sure takes the sting off of PD's announcement that he is not planning to do MM anytime soon. Excellent work. It's sure going to give PK's version some stiff competition.
Hey, I just want to add my thanks to providing this AWESOME table! I love this game, and I don't think many would argue that this is the best version....yet. We'll see what PK's is like, but I for one really like the perspective on this table. Also, I'm pretty sure PacDude deciding not to do this table has a lot to do with the quality of this release.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with it. I haven't even tried it.
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